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Issue in implementation of HDL verilog codes after run in VIVADO 2021.1

Category: Software
Product Number: RADIOCARBON-13
Software Version: VIVADO 2021.1

Issue details are

Tool used: Vivado 2021.1

MPSoC Device Used: Xczu3cg-sbva484-1-e

Files used in the project: radiocarbon-13_Testing/bytepipe_sdk-main/src/adrv9001/hdl

High level Issue: Implementation Failed.

Error wind message in VIVADO Tool:


Design Initialization

[Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'ila_axis'. The XDC file g:/PULLARAO/TECH/PROJECTS/RADIOCARBON-13/RADIOCARBON-13/PULLARAO/CODES_TESTING/FPGA/project_2.srcs/sources_1/ip/ila_axis/ila_v6_2/constraints/ila_impl.xdc will not be read for any cell of this module.

Place Design

[Place 30-415] IO Placement failed due to overutilization. This design contains 326 I/O ports

while the target device: xczu3cg package: sbva484, contains only 297 available user I/O. The target device has 297 usable I/O pins of which 0 are already occupied by user-locked I/Os.

To rectify this issue:

1. Ensure you are targeting the correct device and package. Select a larger device or different package if necessary.

2. Check the top-level ports of the design to ensure the correct number of ports are specified.

3. Consider design changes to reduce the number of I/Os necessary.

[Place 30-68] Instance adrv9001_rx1_inst/i_serdes/IBUFDS_inst/DIFFINBUF_INST (DIFFINBUF) is not placed

[Place 30-99] Placer failed with error: 'IO Clock Placer failed'

Please review all ERROR, CRITICAL WARNING, and WARNING messages during placement to understand the cause for failure.

[Common 17-69] Command failed: Placer could not place all instances

Below is the issue screen shot

Parents Reply
  • we just downloaded verify files from the git hub using the path  and made a project using those Verilog file with device package of Xczu3cg-sbva484-1-e.  The project was succeeded in synthesis but failed in Run Implementation. We have used VIVADO 2021.1 tool for compiling the project.

    The required  inputs and screenshots were provided in the previous post for your kind reference to support and rectify the issue faced.   We are waiting for your valuable support and reply.
