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Missing The Mark for Ending of a Measurement Loop

Category: Hardware
Product Number: emStat pico


I try to control emstat pico module with stm32 processor. When I check the capturing data, I recognized that there is no '*\n" command in the recording data. Do you what it can be reason for that?

Here is the recorded data, "e\nM0007\nPda8061B74u;ba8030F9Dn,12,28\n", '\0' <repeats 62 times>

Parents Reply Children
  • Ah okay so you get an interrupt every time you receive a character?

  • Exactly, for example here is my receive call back function,

    UART3 is for emstatpico and STM32 communication; UART2 is for STM32 to PC communication.

    uint8_t RXData[100];

    uint8_t temp_counter = 0;

    uint8_t buffer[100];

    uint8_t RXBuff[100];

    uint16_t mCounter = 0;

    void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)


    int i = 0;

    int j = 0;

    int start = -1;

    int end = -1;

    if (huart == &huart3) {

    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, RXData, 1, 1000);

    RXBuff[mCounter++] = RXData[0];


    // Find the start and end indices of the data

    for (i = 0; i < strlen(RXBuff); i++) {

    if (RXBuff[i] == 'P') {

    start = i;




    for(i = start; i < strlen(RXBuff); i++) {

    if (RXBuff[i] == '\n') {

    end = i;




    // Copy the data to the buffer

    if (start != -1 && end != -1) {

    for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {

    buffer[j++] = RXBuff[i];


    for(int temp = 0; temp < 100 ; temp++) RXBuff[temp] = 0;

    mCounter = 0;

    buffer[j] = '\0';


    HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart3, RXData, 1);


  • Hi , 

    For a number of reasons, I don't want to discuss, I am not allowed to go in depth regarding programming.

    I can give you some tips though which I think will help:

    • Keep the ISR (Callback) as small as possible, so I would suggest implementing a ringbuffer that is pushed in the callback and popped in the mainloop.
    • Do al the parsing in the mainloop and not in the callback.
    • Also retransmitting the characters to the other uart can also be performed in the mainloop.
    • Be aware that HAL functions can be time consuming

    I am convinced these will help.



  • Hi Walter,

    Thank you for your comments! I will try to implement your idea. I have one more question. There is /RST pin which is 5th one. Can set it SET in certain periods and send the MethodScript to the sensor for running it again? Do you think it works?  

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    There is a possibility to flash a Methodscript to the NVM (Non Volatile Memory)  and set a flag that the Emstat Pico will run the script every time the Pico starts-up.

    So every time you activate the /RST line (make it low) the script will be executed.

    In EmStat Pico communication protocol V1.3 (

    is described on $3.7 how to flash the MethodScript to the NVM

    And how to set the Autorun flag  is described in $5.6

    Another approach is to make an loop in the script that has the hibernate command in the loop. is this way the script will run every defined period you set in the hibernate command.

    See: MethodSCRIPT communication protocol v1.3 (

    I hope this will help.



  • Thank you for your suggestions! It looks like the 'hibernate' is an easy option. Is the correct notation to use hibernate like that?

    char const * Chrono_Amp =
    						  "var p\n"
    						  "var c\n"
    						  "hibernate 0x03i 60\n"
    						  "set_pgstat_mode 2\n"
    						  // A DC potential of 100 mV (EdcChro) is applied. The current is measured every 100 ms (tintervalChro) for
    						  // a total of 2 seconds (trunChro). This results in a total of 20 data points at a rate of 10 points per second.
    						  "meas_loop_ca p c -300m 2 10\n"
    		                  "pck_add p\n"
    		                  "pck_add c\n"

  • Hi AE104,

    This will hibernate once, before starting the measurement. Is this what you want? You may want to include a loop in the script to repeat the hibernate -> measure sequence.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    My thought was that whenever the scripts run at the sensor, the system went to hibernate. In the next run, I expected that it wakes up and starts again. With this way, I plan to avoid continuous measurements.

    Thank you,

  • You will need to encapsulate your hibernate and measurement in a loop. I recommend using the wake pin to wake from hibernation (it is active low) and to disable the wakeup timer. The hibernate "wakeup source" argument should be 0x3 in this case.