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Which software tools to use working with the Emstat Pico?


Which software tools should I use while working with EmStat Pico? Can you also let me know what drivers do I need?

Thank you

  • PSTrace - Research software to find the best settings for your measurement

    Binary/HEX Calculator - Is needed to translate the data package response in case you are not using PSTrace, the scientific calculator included in Win10 is sufficient.

    Terminal Software - Like Putty, Tera Term or any other to be able to send own MethodSCRIPTS to the EmStat Pico.

    Text Editor - Which is capable to display line feed symbol e.g. notepad++. Line feeds are important for the MethodSCRIPTs.

    Universal Logic Analyzer - E.g. ADALM2000 to trigger or read any status during prototyping from the pin header which gives access to SPI, I2C, GPIO, Analog Inputs.

    Drivers - Are in my opinion not needed as long as PSTrace is installed.