LTspice model of AD2428 A2B analog network

ADI's reference guide for A2B  "AD241x, AD242x, Reference Schematics, Rev 2.1" provides the suggested schematics and key manufacturer's part numbers for creating your own design.  While it involves just a handful of parts, replicated on each end since A2B is bidirectional, it takes little analysis to see the details of how it all fits together.  One obvious apparent oddity is the 240 ohm differential termination impedance in the schematic for what should be 100 ohms - and it actually is 100 ohms in the region of interest.

Clockworks created an LTspice simulation of parts of the network for verification as well as a complete end to end (i.e. B port to A port) simulation.  The results compare well with measurements on hadware.

For the files and a link to the writeup please see this post on the Clockworks website.

LTspice A2B simulation example