I would like to know the transistor count for a processor to calculate theMTBF.
The Transistor Count of a processor could be found in the Reliability REportfor the specific Chip.
MTBF could than be calculated based on the process of the CHIP.
From Reliability Report:
Process Technology: 0.13um CMOS
Product P/N: ADSP-BF532S
0.13um CMOS Life Test Data Summary
Overall Sample Size 1618
Qty. Fail 0
Equivalent Device Hrs. @ 55 deg C) 162741768
FIT Rate (60% CL, 55 deg C) 6
MTTF (60% CL, 55 deg C) 177609456
FIT Rate (90% CL, 55 deg C) 14
MTTF (90% CL, 55 deg C) 70678008
Calculations assumes 0.7 eV Activation Energy