According to datasheet, it looks fine to use 3.3V for DVDDIO, and the EVKit also supports this option. However, I found there is some conflict on DS.
While using 3.3V for DVDDIO, IN1/IN2 DMIC input VIH level is 0.7*V_DVDDIO on MAX98090. That means I need use 3.3V PU source for DMIC.
On the other hand, from absolute maximum rating table, IN1~IN6 can sustain up to 2.2V. If so, the DMIC’s 3.3V output will damage IN1/IN2 pin of MAX98090. Please kindly advise. Thank you.
MAX98090 has a typo in the datasheet. In the table below, replace DVDDIO with AVDD.
With that, you may use DVDDIO=3.3V for DAI rail, and 1.8V rail for external DMIC.