Port protection device can usually not simply be used in parallel. As the the device parameters vary from part to part, the assumption that the current splits 1:1 between the devices is not valid. Consequently, it can happen, that one channel conducts more current than expected and detects an overcurrent earlier than expected. If the device reacts with disabling the channel, the complete current will go through the other protection device, causing an overcurrent in that path and thus let the whole system shut down at a much lower current than expected.
MAX17525 and MAX17526 offer a thermal current foldback mode. In this mode, the current gets limited when touching the current limit which means the device resistance is increased. When using two of these protectors in paralell, this would cause the second protector to take more current and to balance the load between the two devices.
So protection parts such as MAX17525/MAX17526 that have a current limit can be used in parallel without the risk of a shutdown before nominal current limit is reached.