An example of a TMEX error -12 message would be something like the one given below. This was generated on a computer (in Europe) by running the Get1WireAddresses.exe example program that comes with the 1-Wire SDK for Wndows:
1-Wire List:
Error: default TMEX error -12
bei DalSemi.OneWire.Adapter.TMEXLibAdapter.GetNextDevice(Byte[] address, Int32 offset) in D:\1Wire\OneWireSDKver410\Source\Compact.NET\TMEXLibAdapter.cs:Zeile 1219.
bei Get1WireAddresses.FormGet1WireAddresses.buttonSearch_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)"
The same error also appears on the "OneWireViewer.exe" application which comes bundled with the 1-Wire Drivers package.
The error is generated when multiple 1-Wire applications are running at the same time (trying to read the same hardware). From the documentation, the TMEX error code is:
(-12) BCOM_FAILURE – Failure to communicate with hardware adapter
Again, this error comes from either trying to run multiple 1-Wire applications to communicate through the same hardware (PC adapter) or the hardware is faulty. The most common error cause is from running multiple 1-Wire applications simultaneously. The workaround for this problem is to close and and uninstall all 1-Wire applications and re-install the 1-Wire Drivers. Then try to run the 1-Wire SDK example programs (or OneWireViewer). Some third-party commercial 1-Wire applications may be running in the background as a "service" making it difficult to know that it is actually running and preventing other 1-Wire applications from running.