What are the differences between ADAU1461 and ADAU1961?
Your website mentions the ADAU1461 has a minimum supply voltage of 1.8V but thedatasheet mentions 3.3V. What is the correct minimum supply voltage?
Do you have evaluation boards for the ADAU1461 or ADAU1961?
The ADAU1461 is the functionally-identical, automotive-qualified version of theADAU1761, so if you are looking for a higher temperature range than offered byADAU1761, you should look at ADAU1461.
A general comparison of 1461/1761/1961:
ADAU1761 = SigmaDSP + CodecADAU1461 = SigmaDSP + Codec (qualified for automotive applications)ADAU1361 = CodecADAU1961 = Codec (qualified for automotive applications)All four of these devices have the same ADCs, same DACs, same serial ports,same headphone drivers, same PLL, same package, same register map and samepinout. The only difference between the four devices is whether they include aSigmaDSP core or not, and whether they are automotive qualified or not.
There is an evaluation board EVAL-ADAU1761Z available for ADAU1761. We don’tusually offer automotive qualified parts as evaluation boards, I believe thereason for this is there is not a demand from automotive sector for evaluationboards
Both ADAU1461 and ADAU1761 have a typical AVDD supply voltage of 3.3V. Theminimum AVDD supply voltage for ADAU1761 is 1.8V while the minimum AVDD supplyvoltage for ADAU1461 is 2.97V. I don't think that there is any errors here asthe same situation applies to ADAU1361 and ADAU1961. The automotive qualifiedADAU1961 also has a higher minimum AVDD supply voltage of 2.97V compared to theADAU1361.