I bought EVAL-AD5930EBZ but it does not work (installed software on Win XP,
connected via usb to computer, run software, download/program, all works) when
looking at the outputs there is no signal. Voltages AVDD and DVDD are present.
No SCLK for example when I press a button. The program is running fine on a
32Bit WinXP. Also clicking on "Write to Part" looks to work (because after
clicking, I get the new Buttons for Hardware Pin Control). But down on the
hardware nothing happens (no output, no communication, no change on the
hardware pins when clicking on them (CTRL, Interrupt, Standby).
Voltages are present on the eval board and the CLKOUT of the CY7C68013-CSP is
also working (i.e. seems to work).
Please could you download the latest software from the web? It should work fine
with your board.