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I need to simulate ADCMP600 in LTSpice, but cannot find model of ADCMP600 either in LTSpice or a generic SPICE model on Can someone please point me to this device's simulation model?


  • Hi,

    We'll take this offline and send you the beta model (unreleased). 

  • I am also looking for the LTspice model for the ADCMP600 comparator

  • gm,

    kindly share the ltspice model file to my mail id ( )


    Pandian KC

  • Hello,  any updates on the availability of this model?  I am also interested in running a simulation with it (in place of the LTC6752 I'm currently using) .

    Thank you,


  • Hello, I also would need the SPICE Model for the ADCMP600. Could you send me the model via email?

  • * ADCMP601 SPICE Macro-model
    *   06/26 Draft
    * LPS APPS Engineering
    * This is not the final version of ADCMP601 Spice model
    * This model was created based on the HSPICE version of ADCMP601 by JAV on 6/25/2018
    * The ADCMP601 HSPICE model was modified so it can be used in LT SPICE simulator
    * This Spice model still needs to be tested to gurantee that it matches the HSPICE version
    * Node assignments
    *                non-inverting input
    *                | inverting input
    *                | | latch/hysteresis
    *                | | | positive supply
    *                | | | | negative supply
    *                | | | | | output pin
    *                | | | | | |
    *                | | | | | |
    *                | | | | | |
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601 3 4 5 6 2 1
    c0 17 0 5e-13
    c1 19 0 2e-13
    c2 3 0 2e-13
    c3 4 0 2e-13
    dp 2 6 DESD
    e0 18 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (4*V(17,0),0.3,-0.3)}
    e1 20 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (1*V(19,0),0.3,-0.3)}
    g0 6 2 0 22 1
    io 12 13 dc 1e-06
    iq 22 0 dc 0.002422
    r0 17 0 700
    r1 18 19 1000
    r2 3 13 100
    r3 4 11 100
    r4 21 0 50
    rd 3 4 1e7
    rp 6 2 1e5
    rt 22 0 1 tc=0.0005
    t0 20 0 21 0 z0=50 td=1.370e-9
    vo 11 12 dc 0.001
    x1 4 2 6 ADCMP601_ESD
    x2 3 2 6 ADCMP601_ESD
    x3 5 2 6 ADCMP601_ESD
    x4 1 2 6 ADCMP601_ESD
    xb 12 13 14 15 16 2 6 ADCMP601_BIAS
    xh 17 2 5 6 ADCMP601_HYST
    xi 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 6 ADCMP601_INPUT
    xo 1 2 21 6 ADCMP601_OUTPUT
    xv 12 13 17 2 6 ADCMP601_DVOS
    .ENDS ADCMP601
    * Bias Current Generator
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601_BIAS 12 13 14 15 16 2 6
    d0 201 202 DSIM1
    d1 201 203 DSIM1
    d2 205 206 DSIM1
    d3 202 204 DSIM1
    d4 203 204 DSIM1
    d5 207 208 DSIM1
    e0 203 0 13 0 1
    e1 202 0 12 0 1
    e2 205 0 201 0 1
    e3 208 0 204 0 1
    e4 210 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (1*V(6,209),1.6,0.6)}
    e5 219 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (5*V(211,207),1,0)}
    g0 2 6 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.0015*V(212,213),0.003,0)}
    g1 15 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.001*V(212,213),0.002,0)}
    g2 16 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.001*V(214,215),0.002,0)}
    g3 16 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (-0.001*V(214,216),0,-0.0002)}
    g4 0 14 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.002*V(217,218),1e-4,0)}
    g5 6 2 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.002*V(217,218),5e-05,0)}
    i0 0 201 dc 0.001
    i1 204 0 dc 0.001
    i5 206 0 dc 0.001
    i6 0 207 dc 0.001
    r0 206 218 1
    r1 220 0 1
    v0 209 0 dc 1.9
    v1 211 0 dc 1.6
    v2 217 210 dc 0.2
    v3 212 207 dc 0.025
    v4 213 0 dc 1.6
    v5 214 207 dc 0.025
    v6 215 0 dc 0.6
    v7 216 0 dc 1.7
    * CMRR and PSRR Offset Generator
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601_DVOS 12 13 17 2 6
    e0 302 0 13 0 1
    e1 304 0 12 0 1
    g0 17 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (1.71e-06 - 3.3e-07*V(303,0),3e-06,-1e-06)}
    *I = 1.71e-06 -3.3e-07*V(303,0)
    g1 17 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (6.667e-07*V(6,301),2e-06,0)}
    r0 302 303 1000
    r1 303 304 1000
    v0 301 2 dc 2.5
    * ESD Diodes
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601_ESD 601 602 606
    d0 601 606 DESD
    d1 602 601 DESD
    * Hysteresis and Latch Function
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601_HYST 17 2 5 6
    c0 410 409 3.4e-11
    c1 401 0 1e-12
    d0 0 404 DSIM1
    d1 401 5 DSIM3
    e0 402 405 405 403 1
    e1 412 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (20*V(17,0),0.3,-0.3)}
    f1 6 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (7*I(v1),0.0007,0)}
    f2 0 2 VALUE = {LIMIT (8*I(v2),0.0008,0)}
    g0 408 17 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.01*V(410,409),0.0003,-0.0003)}
    g1 411 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.01*V(414,0),3e-4,0)}
    h0 413 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (1000*I(v0),0.030,0)}
    i2 403 0 dc 0.00125
    i3 5 0 dc 1.25e-06
    i5 0 405 dc 1e-06
    q0 410 0 411 0 NPN_IN1
    q1 409 412 411 0 NPN_IN1
    r0 403 404 1000
    r1 402 401 7500
    r3 408 410 100
    r4 408 409 100
    r5 414 0 50
    t0 413 0 414 0 z0=50 td=7e-10
    v0 406 405 0
    v1 407 406 0
    v2 0 407 0
    v4 408 0 dc 1
    * Input Stage
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601_INPUT 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 6
    e0 101 0 0 2 -1
    e1 102 0 0 6 -1
    g0 102 17 poly(3) 108 107 106 105 104 103 0 0.01 0.01 0.01
    q0 103 13 14 0 PNP_IN1
    q1 104 12 14 0 PNP_IN1
    q2 105 13 15 0 NPN_IN1
    q3 106 12 15 0 NPN_IN1
    q4 107 13 16 0 NPN_IN2
    q5 108 12 16 0 NPN_IN2
    r0 101 103 200
    r1 101 104 200
    r2 102 105 90
    r3 102 106 90
    r4 102 107 80
    r5 102 108 80
    * Output Stage
    .SUBCKT ADCMP601_OUTPUT 1 2 21 6
    c0 1 507 8.8e-13
    c2 505 504 6e-14
    c3 503 504 6e-14
    d0 504 503 DSIM2
    d1 505 504 DSIM2
    d2 506 505 DSIM1
    d3 503 501 DSIM1
    e0 506 2 508 0 1
    e1 6 501 502 0 1
    e2 507 0 6 2 0.5
    g0 0 505 VALUE = {LIMIT (-0.0042667*V(21,0),0.00032,-0.00032)}
    g1 503 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.0042667*V(21,0),0.00032,-0.00032)}
    g2 6 0 VALUE = {LIMIT (-0.0085333*V(21,0),0.00064,0)}
    g3 0 2 VALUE = {LIMIT (0.0085333*V(21,0),0.00064,0)}
    i4 0 508 dc 0.001
    i5 0 502 dc 0.001
    q0 504 505 2 2 NPN_OUT
    q1 504 503 6 2 PNP_OUT
    r0 1 507 50000
    r1 504 1 10
    r3 508 0 850 tc=-0.00302
    r4 502 0 850 tc=-0.00302
    * Models Used
    .model DESD d cjo=5e-14 is=1e-17 rs=0.5 eg=1.12
    .model DSIM1 d is=1e-12
    .model DSIM2 d is=1e-14 eg=0.950
    .model DSIM3 d is=1e-15
    .model NPN_IN1 npn bf=140 cjc=1.20e-14 cje=2.78e-14 is=9.1e-18 rb=60 re=400 tf=4.7e-12
    .model NPN_IN2 npn bf=1e6 cjc=1.20e-14 cje=2.78e-14 is=9.1e-18 rb=60 re=400 tf=4.7e-12
    .model PNP_IN1 pnp bf=25 cjc=5.50e-14 cje=1.05e-13 is=3.5e-17 rb=75 re=600 tf=1.2e-12
    .model NPN_OUT npn bf=75 cjc=1.60e-13 cjs=6.5e-14 is=1.0e-16 vaf=50
    .model PNP_OUT pnp bf=60 cjc=1.50e-13 cjs=6.5e-14 is=6.4e-17 vaf=30