The following program demonstrates use of the X-register. Motor 0 is performing 10 rotations with velocity 1000, after which the program will be stopped.
Before use: Restore Factory Defaults.
// *** Values that have to be adapted *** //
vmax = 2000 //max. speed (0 ... 2047)
amax = 1000 //max. acceleration (0 ... 2047)
cmax = 100 //max. current (0 ... 255)
// *** Interrupt initialization *** //
SAP 4, 0, vmax //set max. positioning speed
SAP 5, 0, amax //set max. acceleration
SAP 6, 0, cmax //set max. current
CALC LOAD, 1 //load 1 to accu
CALCX LOAD //load accu to X-register
CALC LOAD, 0 //load 0 to accu
// *** Main Loop *** //
MVP REL, 0, 51200 //perform 1 rotation: 51200 = 200 * 256
WAIT POS, 0, 0 //wait until postion reached
WAIT TICKS, 0, 100 //wait 1 second. 100 * 10ms
CALCX ADD //add X-register to accu
COMP 10 //compare accu with 10
JC LT, loop //if greater or equal 10 end program
STOP //end of program