if you're looking to control a module or evaluation kit from ADI Trinamic using Mathlab, please use the short Matlab script below.
% function to move motor to positon
% ROR Command
function move(nin)
n = int32(nin);
% generate command
% byte1 - adress
byte(1:4) = uint8([1,4,1,0]);
byte(5)= uint8(bitand(bitshift(n,-24),255) );
byte(6)= uint8(bitand(bitshift(n,-16),255) );
byte(7)= uint8(bitand(bitshift(n,-8),255) );
byte(8)= uint8(bitand(n,255) );
byte(9)=uint8(bitand(sum(byte(1:8)),255) ),
% open com port for data transfer
fid = serial('COM12','BaudRate',9600, 'DataBits', 8, 'Parity', 'none','StopBits', 1, 'FlowControl', 'none');
fopen (fid);
%send command
%get answer
answer = fread(fid, 9, 'uint8')
% close com port connection
% when you enter the function " move_right(1, 0.005,0.01)" in your
% window command, the motor can move.