TMCL is the simple way to implement your motion control application. With this series of simple coding examples, we want to provide you an easy start.
This program demonstrates the stall detection with stallGuard2. Motor 0 will run until it is stalled, then MCL program flow will be interrupted and the interrupt handling routine (here: returnToZero) will be called. After the detection of a stall, the motor will run to position zero. For more details concerning stallGuard2 look at Application Note AN002_stallGuard2.pdf –
Before use: Restore Factory Defaults
// *** Values that have to be adapted *** //
stallGuardValue = 2 //-64 = highest sensitivity ... 63 = lowest sensitivity
vmax = 2000 //max. speed (0 ... 2047)
amax = 1000 //max. acceleration (0 ... 2047)
cmax = 100 //max. current (0 ... 255)
// *** Initialization / Set up axis parameter *** //
SAP 1, 0, 0 //reset actual position to 0
SAP 4, 0, vmax //set max. positioning speed
SAP 5, 0, amax //set max. acceleration
SAP 6, 0, cmax //set max. current
// *** stallGuard initialization *** //
SAP 173, 0, 1 //set stallGuard filter disable
SAP 174, 0, stallGuardValue //stallGuard threshold
SAP 181, 0, 1900 //min. speed for motor to be stopped by stallGuard
// *** Interrupt initialization *** //
VECT 15, returnToZero //defines the interrupt vector for the stallGuard interrupt
EI 15 //enable stall interrupt
EI 255 //globally switch on interrupt processing
// *** Main Loop *** //
GAP 3, 0 //get current speed
JC NZ, loop //jump to loop if speed not zero
ROL 0, vmax //turn motor left at vmax
JA loop //jump to loop
// *** Interrupt routine *** //
MVP ABS, 0, 0 //turn motor 0 to postion zero
WAIT POS, 0, 0 //wait until position zero reached
WAIT TICKS, 0, 500 //wait 5 seconds. 500 * 10ms
RETI //end of interrupt