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Driving TMCM-1290 from TMCL-IDE

Category: Software
Product Number: TMCM-1290

We have experimented with TMC2226 and TMC5160 Eval boards with the TMCL-IDE and both are working correctly as required using the USB interface.

We now have the TMCM1290 Eval accessed over RS485. We detect the correct board in the IDE and read back the supply voltage correctly, but can not drive the motor (we have tried a couple of ones which are working with the 5160/2226). 
The IDE values for Max speed and acceleration are set and the Velocity & Position profile show movement, but the motor does nothing. It only registers about 0.08A so is not even applying a holding current. With the TMCM1290 are there more registers that need to be set up that the IDE is not doing? Setting up max / min current and max speed / acceleration values was all that was needed with the 5160 boards?

  • I had the same problem, a Jumper has to be placed to put the hardware Enable Pin to GND. Is not mentioned in the manual.....

  • Thanks. I did find that .
    I notified ADI Support as I think the documentation should be updated. e.g.

    “10. Enable the motor and pull ENN pin low.”
    How do you enable the motor? Is it a software setting? Power on the PSU? What is ENN? If you go to the 5240 datasheet you find DRV_ENN which helps.
    “Enable the motor by fitting a jumper across pins 13 and 6 of the I/O connector to pull nEnable low” would be more helpful.
    I didn’t work it out until I zoomed in on the picture in the 1290 Eval manual and saw the jumper on the I/O connector. It would be better to list the instruction with the other jumper placement instructions :
    “2. Set the IREF jumper JP1 and JP2 according to the stepper motor rated current.
    3. Set jumper JP3 to external clock (EXT).”
    Notice there is a typo in the
    3.1.5  I/O connector   pin numbering;   Enable (or nEnable more correctly) should be pin 13 not 11.
     Hope this helps some one.