We have connected output of AD8232 ECG sensor to ADC0_VIN1 pin of ADUCM4050. We want to read ecg values continuously and plot the graph by sending them via bluetooth. We tried to read adc channel by following the available example adc_channel_read and https://ez.analog.com/analog-microcontrollers/ultra-low-power-microcontrollers/f/q-a/111255/aducm4050-adc-multi-acquire to continuously read adc channel but not getting the graph as ECG. I have gone through application note AN-1549 and followed the steps of programming flow in which it is saying, for multi acquire to repeat 1-15 steps steps but still not getting the expected graph when plotting the values read from ADC. Can anyone help to figure out how to read ADC channel output continuously?
And also tried to see the ADC output graph in Timeline but there we are not getting any plot. Can we plot ADC values in IAR embedded workbench?
Thank you