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I encountered an issue while conducting the demo experiment of the 'CN0537' smoke detection sensor on the 'ADICUP3029' board.

Category: Software
Product Number: ADICUP3029
Software Version: Putty

I am writing to seek assistance with an issue I encountered while using the CN0537 Smoke Detection Sensor Shield. Following the demo tutorial provided on the official website, I have followed all the procedures accurately, including the baud rate and configuration settings.

However, when I tried to run the demo program using the Putty terminal program, I only see a black empty screen upon execution. Although the LED on the adi3029 board blinks when I input commands, there is no visible response in the terminal. I expected to see a prompt symbol (e.g., '>'), indicating that the terminal is ready to receive commands, but it is not displayed.

According to the guide provided on the official website, it suggests resetting the hardware as a potential solution to this issue. However, when I press the reset button, it completely powers off and on, causing the connection to be lost. Is there any other method to perform a reset without interrupting the serial communication?

I would greatly appreciate your guidance and support in resolving this matter. If there are any additional troubleshooting steps or alternative solutions that you can provide, it would be immensely helpful.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.