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ADuCM4050 Clock setting for 52MHz HCLK speed

Category: Software
Product Number: ADuCM4050 - custom Board
Software Version: CCES 2.11

Looking for ADMC4050 processor, Power Initialization settings to generate HCLK speed as 52MHz, PCLK & ACLK as 26MHz, Using External 26MHZ Crystal Oscillator as clock source.

Appreciate the timely help.

Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi,

    note: Must include flash and WDT drivers in operating higher than 26MHz.

    you may refer to this sequence in order to generate 52MHz HCLK:

    1. Route the clock signal to its corresponding pinout for verification of HCLK(debugging purposes).

    2. Enable the clock source that you want to use >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()

         *you can skip this since the default clock source is HFOSC

    3. Set the input clock source for PLL multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetPLLClockMux()

    4. Set the HP Buck load mode: The High load mode can be set when the system is running at greater than 26Mhz. >>adi_pwr_SetHPBuckLoadMode()

    5. Program PLL frequency

            Configure PLL frequency to 52 MHz 
            MUL2 = 1
            N    = 26
            DIV2 = 1
            M    = 13
            Freq = HFOSC * (MUL2*N) / (DIV2*M) = 26 * (1 * 26) / (1*13) = 52

            use this api >>adi_pwr_SetPll()

    6. Open Flash Controller Device >>adi_fee_Open()

    7. Change flash wait state from 0 to 1: We need at least one wait state else the flash will not function correctly when running at 52 MHz (Necessary if system clock is greater than 26 MHz) >>adi_fee_ConfigureWaitStates()

    8. Enable the clock source (this time with PLL) >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()

    9. Set the PLL as source for the root clock multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetRootClockMux()

    10. Output HCLK to GPIO pin (port2, pin11) >>adi_pwr_SetGPIOClockOutput()



  • Hi,

    note: Must include flash and WDT drivers in operating higher than 26MHz.

    you may refer to this sequence in order to generate 52MHz HCLK:

    1. Route the clock signal to its corresponding pinout for verification of HCLK(debugging purposes).

    2. Enable the clock source that you want to use >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()

         *you can skip this since the default clock source is HFOSC

    3. Set the input clock source for PLL multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetPLLClockMux()

    4. Set the HP Buck load mode: The High load mode can be set when the system is running at greater than 26Mhz. >>adi_pwr_SetHPBuckLoadMode()

    5. Program PLL frequency

            Configure PLL frequency to 52 MHz 
            MUL2 = 1
            N    = 26
            DIV2 = 1
            M    = 13
            Freq = HFOSC * (MUL2*N) / (DIV2*M) = 26 * (1 * 26) / (1*13) = 52

            use this api >>adi_pwr_SetPll()

    6. Open Flash Controller Device >>adi_fee_Open()

    7. Change flash wait state from 0 to 1: We need at least one wait state else the flash will not function correctly when running at 52 MHz (Necessary if system clock is greater than 26 MHz) >>adi_fee_ConfigureWaitStates()

    8. Enable the clock source (this time with PLL) >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()

    9. Set the PLL as source for the root clock multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetRootClockMux()

    10. Output HCLK to GPIO pin (port2, pin11) >>adi_pwr_SetGPIOClockOutput()



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