Looking for ADMC4050 processor, Power Initialization settings to generate HCLK speed as 52MHz, PCLK & ACLK as 26MHz, Using External 26MHZ Crystal Oscillator as clock source.
Appreciate the timely help.
Thanks & Regards,
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The ADuCM4050 microcontroller unit (MCU) is an ultra low power integrated microcontroller system with integrated power management for processing, control...
ADuCM4050 on Analog.com
Looking for ADMC4050 processor, Power Initialization settings to generate HCLK speed as 52MHz, PCLK & ACLK as 26MHz, Using External 26MHZ Crystal Oscillator as clock source.
Appreciate the timely help.
Thanks & Regards,
note: Must include flash and WDT drivers in operating higher than 26MHz.
you may refer to this sequence in order to generate 52MHz HCLK:
1. Route the clock signal to its corresponding pinout for verification of HCLK(debugging purposes).
2. Enable the clock source that you want to use >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()
*you can skip this since the default clock source is HFOSC
3. Set the input clock source for PLL multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetPLLClockMux()
4. Set the HP Buck load mode: The High load mode can be set when the system is running at greater than 26Mhz. >>adi_pwr_SetHPBuckLoadMode()
5. Program PLL frequency
Configure PLL frequency to 52 MHz
MUL2 = 1
N = 26
DIV2 = 1
M = 13
Freq = HFOSC * (MUL2*N) / (DIV2*M) = 26 * (1 * 26) / (1*13) = 52
use this api >>adi_pwr_SetPll()
6. Open Flash Controller Device >>adi_fee_Open()
7. Change flash wait state from 0 to 1: We need at least one wait state else the flash will not function correctly when running at 52 MHz (Necessary if system clock is greater than 26 MHz) >>adi_fee_ConfigureWaitStates()
8. Enable the clock source (this time with PLL) >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()
9. Set the PLL as source for the root clock multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetRootClockMux()
10. Output HCLK to GPIO pin (port2, pin11) >>adi_pwr_SetGPIOClockOutput()
note: Must include flash and WDT drivers in operating higher than 26MHz.
you may refer to this sequence in order to generate 52MHz HCLK:
1. Route the clock signal to its corresponding pinout for verification of HCLK(debugging purposes).
2. Enable the clock source that you want to use >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()
*you can skip this since the default clock source is HFOSC
3. Set the input clock source for PLL multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetPLLClockMux()
4. Set the HP Buck load mode: The High load mode can be set when the system is running at greater than 26Mhz. >>adi_pwr_SetHPBuckLoadMode()
5. Program PLL frequency
Configure PLL frequency to 52 MHz
MUL2 = 1
N = 26
DIV2 = 1
M = 13
Freq = HFOSC * (MUL2*N) / (DIV2*M) = 26 * (1 * 26) / (1*13) = 52
use this api >>adi_pwr_SetPll()
6. Open Flash Controller Device >>adi_fee_Open()
7. Change flash wait state from 0 to 1: We need at least one wait state else the flash will not function correctly when running at 52 MHz (Necessary if system clock is greater than 26 MHz) >>adi_fee_ConfigureWaitStates()
8. Enable the clock source (this time with PLL) >>adi_pwr_EnableClockSource()
9. Set the PLL as source for the root clock multiplexer >>adi_pwr_SetRootClockMux()
10. Output HCLK to GPIO pin (port2, pin11) >>adi_pwr_SetGPIOClockOutput()