After 3 years of proper work with the ICE-2000 on a custom circuit with the ADuCM4050, came a period of several weeks in which the ICE-2000 connectivity becomes more and more difficult (=it did not work many times) and then it completely stopped functioning.
Exchanging the physical circuit, the cable between the ICE and the circuit, the ICE itself and the USB cables did not help, so I'm quite sure it is a software problem and not an hardware one.
In CCES 2.10.0 I got an error that "device actively refused connection", so I migrated my project to CCES 2.11.0 where I get the following message:
Open On-Chip Debugger (Analog Devices CCES 2.11.0) OpenOCD 0.10.0-gd1ba667 (2022-04-13-15:59)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
Report bugs to <>
Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'jtag'
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
Error: Can't change session's transport after the initial selection was made
C:/Analog Devices/CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.11.0/ARM/packs/AnalogDevices/ADuCM4x50_DFP/4.0.0/openocd/scripts//target/aducm4x50.tcl:16: Error:
in procedure 'script'
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 26
at file "C:/Analog Devices/CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.11.0/ARM/packs/AnalogDevices/ADuCM4x50_DFP/4.0.0/openocd/scripts/target/aducm4050.cfg", line 8
at file "C:/Analog Devices/CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.11.0/ARM/packs/AnalogDevices/ADuCM4x50_DFP/4.0.0/openocd/scripts//target/aducm4x50.tcl", line 16
I saw a similar problem in the EngineerZone but it did not help me...
I'm using:
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on 01/10/2020
OS build 19044.1826
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0
What can I do to solve it?