- How does the ADuCM350 set a voltage on the sensor ?
- First step is to consider the DAC and it's transfer function.
- The VDAC Output Range is 0.2V to 1.0V.
- This signal is then biased and gain up to produce the output voltage from the Excitation Amplifier, VD, which is the voltage seen by the sensor.
- VD = ( ( VD-0.6V ) X 2 ) + VBIAS
- VDAC is referenced to the INAMP reference of 0.6V
- The Excitation/INAMP Loop has a gain of 2.
- VBIAS: The Common Mode of the System is setup by the +ve terminal of the TIA.
- This leads to a transmit channel transfer function that looks like:
- How does the TIA set the Common Mode of the AFE Measurement Loop ?
- See diagram below as reference.
- Assume 2-Wire Measurement with P and N tied internally.
- In 4-Wire, Raccess would be automatically compensated for on D/P/N and T.
- TIA Sets Common Mode
- Positive terminal of the TIA is connected to VBIAS.
- Therefore the negative terminal of TIA forced to VBIAS. This is a Virtual Ground.
- T = N = VBIAS
- T and N are shorted internally
- Excitation Buffer Forces D so that P – N = 0V
- But N is forced to VBIAS by TIA
- So Excitation Buffer drives P to = VBIAS
- Hence D is forced to have a common mode of VBIAS
- With the DAC at midscale, the Excitation Buffer
output sits at VBIAS
- With the DAC at midscale, the Excitation Buffer
- Example Calculation: Sensor needs to see +450mV on Counter and 0V on Working Electrode. i.e +450mV step across Sensor.
- Goal is to have P – N = +450mV
- Assume VBIAS = 1.1V.
- T = 1.1V = Virtual Ground
- Given that N = T = VBIAS, this implies that the voltage at the P node needs to be 1.55V
- Signal swing of Excitation Amplifier output is -800mV to +800mV
- Dividing this range by the resolution of the DAC
- 1.6V / 2^12 = 390.725µV
- Therefore each DAC LSB is equivalent to 390.725µV out of the Excitation Amplifier
- Midscale of the DAC is equivalent to a 0V difference between P and N
- Midscale DAC code = 2048 = 0x800
- 450mV / 390.725µV = 1152 = 0x480
- 1,1V + 450mV = 0x800 + 0X480 = 0xC80
- Therefore, the DAC code required for a +450mV step on the sensor is 0xC80