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Eval-ADuCM355 Interrupts in sample code are never executing

Category: Software
Product Number: ADuCM355
Software Version: aducm355-examples


i'm trying to test the functionalities of the aducm355 with the code examples. I haven't modified the code in any way.

I tried the following code examples:

- Temperatur

- Impedance (for this sample i connected some resistors on the interface)

An interrupt should occur and data should be printed out, but as soon as the function "AD5940_GetMCUIntFlag()" get called the return value stays 0 all the time. So i guess the interrupt never occurs? 

Is this behaviour intended?  Do i have to modifiy the example code so the interrupt get executed? 

Thanks for any help


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Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    The examples work properly in our ADuCM355QSPZ boards.

    Kindly check if interrupt lines are correctly configured so the microcontroller receives the interrupt properly.

  • The example works straight from GitHub in my setup. 

    It might be that they are missing the CHIPSEL_M355 definition in IAR’s Options > Runtime Checking > C/C++ Compiler > Preprocessor > Defined Symbols

    If CHIPSEL_M355 is not defined, the code will not execute lines below that shift the register address to the correct location.

    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355

    static void AD5940_D2DWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)


      if(((RegAddr>=0x1000)&&(RegAddr<=0x3014)))  /* 32bit register */

        *(volatile uint32_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000) = RegData;

      else                                        /* 16bit register */

        *(volatile uint16_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000) = RegData;



    static uint32_t AD5940_D2DReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)


      if(((RegAddr>=0x1000)&&(RegAddr<=0x3014)))  /* 32bit register */

        return *(volatile uint32_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000);

      else                                        /* 16bit register */

        return *(volatile uint16_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000);


