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AduCM360 ADC conversion rate


I have a problem with AduCM360 ADC conversion rate. I have changed FLT settings, to obtain the best conversion rate, but I cannot get under 2ms. The 2 ms duration is  too much for my application. What settings should I use to get fADC=3906 Hz?

The adc config is : Internal reference, continuous conversion

Looking into table 16 and 17 in UG, I see that to obtain the best rate, i should configure the filters like lines: 1,2,6,7

The main difference that i see is the settling time, that is the best for line 1 in Table 16. Still, I can't get under 2ms per conversion.

Please help!

Thank you!


  • Hi Ionut,

    From the datasheet:

    Also have a look at the ADuCM360/ADuCM361 Digital Filter Response Model from the product page.

    It's an Excel file where you can modify the filter settings and see what conversion rates and settling times you're getting.



  • Hi Ionut,

    From the datasheet:

    Also have a look at the ADuCM360/ADuCM361 Digital Filter Response Model from the product page.

    It's an Excel file where you can modify the filter settings and see what conversion rates and settling times you're getting.



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