Debug Board needed by SunilSheelavant
Dear sir,
I am Sunil, Student at IIT bombay using ADuC360 in my board. so Is it possible to procure J Link SWD Debugger to debug/program in my board. If not, Can you suggest any third party SWD debuggers which can be used to program ADuC360..
RE: Debug Board needed by Brandon:
Hi Sunil,
What board from Analog Devices are you using? What is the part number?
RE: Debug Board needed by SunilSheelavant:
Hello Brandon,
I am using ADuCM360 in my design for precision voltage measurement.
i.e I myself has designed a board using ADuCM360 along with ADA2200 for sampling.
So Which Debugger/Programmer should I be able to use to program ADuCM360 in SWD mode.
Shall I get standalone J link debugger board that you AD provides along with std Development kits.?
RE: Debug Board needed by Brandon:
You should be able to use the standard Jlink Segger board (either base or student version) to program the ADuCM360. However you will not be able to use the Analog Devices Eclipse IDE we provide, as it is set up to work with the EVAL-ADICUP360 board.
If you are using the Jlink Segger SWD for your board, then you will want to use Keil or IAR program to program and debug the board (easiest way). You should be able to find trial versions of both those programs on their respective websites.