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How do I view my data results?

I am running basic example projects which lack much detail. Specifically, I am trying to use the cn0398 moisture/pH sensor project. After I debug and upload to the board, I switch my usb cable from the "debug" port to "user" but I can't find the actual results anywhere. None of the examples explain where to actually monitor your project's results.

  • Hello ryguy, for data to be visible on the user usb connector please make sure the switches S2 and S4 are set to 0 on the ADICUP360.switch_schematic.png

    The baud rate should be set to 115200. Also if you are removing the usb connector from the debug and switching it to the user you will have to reset the board

    A more simpler approach would be to use two usb cables one for debug and the other for user. 

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on May 30, 2017 5:52 PM

To add onto what Mircea posted above you will also need a serial terminal program to view the results on.  I use Putty and Tera Term, but any program that can read a virtual COM port will be able to view the results of the demo.  Just make sure you setup the COM port to the location of the USER USB and the baud rate is configured as specified.