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ADuC7061 maximum UART baud rate

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADUC7061

What is the maximum possible baud rate of the ADuC7061 UART?

The datasheet states that baud_rate = 10.24 MHz / (16 * 2 * DL) or baud_rate = 10.24 MHz / (16 * 2 * DL * (M + N / 2048)) when fractional mode is enabled.

This shows the baud rate generation block diagram:

If DL = 1 then the maximum baud rate would be 320 kbaud / s. Our application would benefit from higher speeds.

What happens if DL = 0? Will the additional division by 16 be disabled, or will the UART simply not function?

We have an evaluation kit we can test this on, but having a definite answer would be very helpful.

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