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ADC problem about ADUC7061

I post this problem in chinese version, but the china engineer can't give correct answer. So i want to post it here to found an more senior engineer. 

As you know, ADC1~ADC5 are single function port. but ADC6~ADC9 are mutil-function prots.

The SPI/I2C and analog can be changed.

I write code to sample analog signle from ADC4 and ADC8, ADC 4 is connected to ADC8 together.

But when i read, value from ADC4 is correct, but data from ADC8 is not correct.

When the voltage is 0.67V around. the value from ADC4 is 0x004xxxxx, but value from ADC8 is about 0x000005xx.

When i change the voltage, value from ADC8 will not change, or chage slightly. for example, 0x5ff, 0x5fe.

When i change another device(CPU chip), the value will be 0x606, 0x607.

I  deduce:

there are some bug in device. and the codes to initiate ADC1 need special sequence.

the Datasheed does not tell me what is sequence, the special sequence, so i get wrong result.

I can't find example code how to use adc6~adc9,  will anyone give correct resolution?


I post my code here:

int main()
volatile signed long s;
signed char N = -1;
char Err = 0;
float fN = 0;

PLLKEY1 = 0xaa;
PLLCON = 0x00;
PLLKEY2 = 0x55;

POWKEY1 = 0x1;
POWCON0 = 0x38; // Set core to max CPU speed of 10.24Mhz
POWKEY2 = 0xF4;

POWKEY3 = 0x76;
POWCON1 = 0x024;
POWKEY4 = 0xB1;

DACCON = 0x0013;
DACDAT = 0x04ff0000;


ADCCFG = 0x84;
ADCFLT = 0x8083;

GP0CON0 = 0x00000000; //p0.0~p0.4 gpio
GP0PAR = 0x0f; //01110
GP0DAT = 0x10100000;

GP0KEY1 = 0x7;
GP0CON1 = 0x1; // adc
GP0KEY2 = 0x13;

ADC0CON = 0;
ADC1CON = 0x878c;;

s = ADC0DAT;
s = ADC1DAT;
ADCMDE = 0x83;
ADC1CON = 0x8004 | 0x0480;//ch 8
//ADC1CON = 0x800c | 0x0300;//ch 4

s = ADC1DAT;
ADCMDE = 0x82;
if (s & 0x2000) //adc1cerr
Err |= 1; //over range
} while(!(s & 0x2));

s = ADC1DAT;
ADCMDE = 0x83;

//3. exit adc
ADCMDE = 0x83; //idle
ADCFLT = 0x80ff;
ADC1CON = 0x78c; //internally shorted

GP0CON0 = 0x00001011; //back to spi
GP0PAR = 0x04;
GP0DAT = 0x10100000;

GP0KEY1 = 0x7;
GP0CON1 = 0x0; // exit adc
GP0KEY2 = 0x13;

  • Hi,

    You mentioned that CH4 is working while CH8 is not but looking at the configuration below, there is another difference. You bypass both buffer when reading from CH4. Can you try to bypass the buffer when using CH8 as well? This is just to check if we have an issue with the buffer. 

    ADC1CON = 0x8004 | 0x0480;//ch 8
    //ADC1CON = 0x800c | 0x0300;//ch 4

    Also, I think the lines below can be skipped.

    GP0CON0 = 0x00000000; //p0.0~p0.4 gpio
    GP0PAR = 0x0f; //01110
    GP0DAT = 0x10100000;




  • I have checked it for several weeks,

    In facts, the ADC is correct. the reason to make wrong data of ADC is that the DAC will not work when P0 is configured as analogue input. the DAC will not ouput linear voltage.

    Finally, when USE jlink, device works correctly after programming, but will not work correctly after reset again by power off and on.

    when use ULINK, device work incorrectly after programming, but it will work in debug mode, run or step by step. if the devcei is resetted again by poweroff/on, the devcei will not work correctly again.

  • Hi, 
    I have been debugging this using the EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ and I am not seeing any issue. I enabled both ADCs using AIN8 for ADC1 and AIN2 for ADC0. You can see the UART result from the screenshot vs the input voltage. 

    The square wave in the image is the DAC output, I am toggling between 0V (Zero scale) and 0.6V (Midscale) and I am not seeing any spikes in the output. The image was captured after power cycle. 

    My full code is below for reference:


    Author : ADI - Apps

    Date : November 2007

    File : ADC1_Cont.c

    Hardware : ADuC706x

    Description : This Simple ADC1 example shows how to initialize the Auxiliary ADC for
    continuous sampling using a Single-Ended inputs.
    // Bit Definitions
    #define BIT0 0x01
    #define BIT1 0x02
    #define BIT2 0x04
    #define BIT3 0x08
    #define BIT4 0x10
    #define BIT5 0x20
    #define BIT6 0x40
    #define BIT7 0x80
    #define BIT8 0x100
    #define BIT9 0x200
    #define BIT10 0x400
    #define BIT11 0x800
    #define BIT12 0x1000
    #define BIT13 0x2000
    #define BIT14 0x4000
    #define BIT15 0x8000

    # include "stdio.h"
    # include "string.h"

    volatile unsigned char bSendResultToUART = 0; // Flag used to indicate ADC1 resutl ready to send to UART
    unsigned char szTemp[16] = ""; // Used to store ADC1 result before printing to UART
    unsigned char ucTxBufferEmpty = 0; // Used to indicate that the UART Tx buffer is empty
    volatile unsigned long ulADC1Result = 0; // Variable that ADC1DAT is read into in ADC1 IRQ
    volatile unsigned long ulADC0Result = 0; // Variable that ADC1DAT is read into in ADC0 IRQ

    void DelayMs(long d)
    long i, j;
    for (j=0; j<d; j++)
    for (i=0; i<900; i++)
    //T2CLRI = 0x55;

    int main(void)
    unsigned char i = 0;
    unsigned char j = 0;
    unsigned char nLen = 0;

    float lsb10r9 = 143.0511; // 10^9 G

    POWKEY1 = 0x1;
    POWCON0 = 0x78; // Set core to max CPU speed of 10.24Mhz
    POWKEY2 = 0xF4;

    GP0KEY1 = 0x7;
    GP0CON1 = 0x1;
    GP0KEY2 = 0x13;

    GP0CON0 = 0x00000000; //p0.0~p0.4 gpio
    GP0PAR = 0x0f; //01110
    GP0DAT = 0x10100000;

    // Initialize the UART for 9600-8-N
    GP1CON = BIT0 + BIT4; // Select UART functionality for P1.0/P1.1
    COMCON0 = BIT7; // Enable access to COMDIV registers
    COMDIV0 = 0x21; // Set baud rate to 9600.
    COMDIV1 = 0x00;

    COMCON0 = BIT0 + BIT1 + BIT2;
    COMIEN0 = BIT0 + BIT1; // Enable UART interrupts when Rx full and Tx buffer empty.

    // DAC configuration
    DACCON = 0 + // range AVdd/AGND
    BIT4; // Disable clearing of DACDAT + DAC is updated with falling edge of core clock

    // Configure ADC1 for continuous conversions, 1khz, ADC4 input
    ADCMSKI = BIT1; // Enable ADC1 result ready interrupt source
    ADCFLT = 0x7; // Chop off, 1Khz samping rate, SF = 7. No averaging
    ADCMDE = BIT0; // Continuous Conversion mode, Normal mode
    ADC0CON = BIT8 + BIT7 // ADC0 input channel 6 in Single-Ended mode.
    + BIT15; // Auxiliary-ADC Enabled
    // Also, Int reference,

    ADC1CON = BIT10 + BIT7 // ADC1 input channel 6 in Single-Ended mode.
    + BIT15; // Auxiliary-ADC Enabled
    // Also, Int reference,
    ADCCFG = 0;
    IRQEN = BIT10 + BIT11; // Enable ADC1 and UART interrupts
    bSendResultToUART = 0;

    while (1)

    if (bSendResultToUART == 1) // Is there an ADC1 result ready for UART transmission?
    DACDAT = 0x8000000;

    sprintf ( (char*)szTemp, "ADC0 Result: %f\r",ulADC0Result*lsb10r9/1000000000 );// Send the ADC1 Result to the UART
    nLen = strlen((char*)szTemp);
    for ( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ ) // loop to send ADC1 result
    COMTX = szTemp[i];
    ucTxBufferEmpty = 0;
    while (ucTxBufferEmpty == 0)

    DACDAT = 0x0000000;

    sprintf ( (char*)szTemp, "ADC1 Result: %f\r",ulADC1Result*lsb10r9/1000000000 );// Send the ADC1 Result to the UART
    nLen = strlen((char*)szTemp);
    for ( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ ) // loop to send ADC1 result
    COMTX = szTemp[i];
    ucTxBufferEmpty = 0;
    while (ucTxBufferEmpty == 0)

    void IRQ_Handler(void) __irq
    unsigned long IRQSTATUS = 0;
    unsigned char ucCOMIID0 = 0;

    IRQSTATUS = IRQSTA; // Read off IRQSTA register
    if ((IRQSTATUS & BIT11) == BIT11) //UART interrupt source
    ucCOMIID0 = COMIID0;
    if ((ucCOMIID0 & 0x2) == 0x2) // Transmit buffer empty
    ucTxBufferEmpty = 1;

    if ((IRQSTATUS & BIT10) == BIT10) //If ADC1 interrupt source
    ulADC0Result = ADC0DAT; // Read ADC0 conversion result
    ulADC1Result = ADC1DAT; // Read ADC1 conversion result
    bSendResultToUART = 1;

  • hi, ramos,

    I have checked your code, it is wrong;

    ADC0CON = BIT8 + BIT7 // ADC0 input channel 6 in Single-Ended mode.
    + BIT15; // Auxiliary-ADC Enabled

    You use ADC0 to read channel6, it is wrong. ADC0 can't be used to read channel6~9. you can see datasheet.

    if you set BIT8+BIT7, the channel is not channel6, it is channel Vref+ and Vref-.

    Data reading by ADC0 is not output of DAC, it is voltage of Vref+ and Vref-.

    So wave in your picture and data from UART are wrong.

    They are fake.

  • Hi,
    In this example, I am using 2 ADCs at the same time.

    ADC0 measures from ADC2/ADC5 by setting ADC0CON = BIT8 + BIT7. I realized the comment there is wrong but on my board, I am forcing  voltage to ADC2 that is why I am reading the correct value. See screen shot from the datasheet below

    In my setup, I did not connect the DAC output to ADC input. I think this is the reason why you're getting a bad measurement. The ADC is probably loading the DAC. Do you have other circuit connected to your DAC? Can you disconnect the DAC from ADC and any other connection and re-run your code? 

  • sorry, ADC0CON = BIT8 + BIT7 set channel 2, not Vref+ and Vref-. I miss one bit;

    The test result of romas really validate the dac don't work correctly.

    As you see, midscale of Vref=1.2V is 0.6V

    midscale of Ver=2.5 is 1.25V

    You can see, the voltage 1.0v is hard to explain.

    romas said, it is little higher than 0.9V when he set DATDAT = 0xc000000.

    But if device works correctly, the output is very precise, error will not be so large.

    I compute here:

    when DATDAT = 0xc000000

    DAC output will be 0.9 when Vref = 1.2

    DAC output will be 1.85 when Vref = 2.5.

    In fact, if you want to output 1.0V, the devider should not be an integer because of prime number.

    I belive there is something wrong, perhaps romas can check it again


  • I just connect ADC4 and DAC together, and there is no other components.

    The spike you said generate because DAC output wrong leven when GP0CON1 = 0x0 change to GP0CON1 = 0x1. 

    with the same DACDAT the DAC will generate different voltage.

    You said you seen correct output, but why will not you to swap GP0CON1 = 0x0 and GP0CON1 = 0x1?

    It is easy to validate. I have give you good code, it is very easy to do this.

    I don't know why you insiste test code like that.

    In your code, it is very hard to identify what is relation between ADC1 ADC0, and Vref, and 0.6, 0.9, 1.0.

    All are in chaos.

  • The sps is 1k, from the code, bSendResultToUART = 1 always, it is not been cleared.

    so, when the DelayMs finish, the UART will report at once.

    from the code, you will find ADC1 should be constant, if  DACDAT = 0x0000000, ADC1 should be 0V, if DACDAT = 0x8000000; ADC1 should be 0.6V, constant, not swinging from 0 to 0.6V

    This is because ulADC1Result will be overwritten when DelayMs();

    another thing is:

    The result is 0.59V, if the ADC1 is used to sample DAC ouput, the error will not be so large, 0.59 give a error over/around 1%. It is not possible.

  • DACDAT = 0x8000000;

    sprintf ( (char*)szTemp, "ADC0 Result: %f\r",ulADC0Result*lsb10r9/1000000000 );

    this is because the ulADC0Result is used for the first report, and ulADC0Result  is used for the second report.

    So any value of ADC0 or ADC1 will be constant ( not considering noise), they will not swing.

    And you will find adc0 is about 1.0V. the value is wrong.

  • this is because the ulADC0Result is used for the first report, and ulADC1Result  is used for the second report.

  • Hi, 
    Please note that measurement through ADC6 to 9 inputs is only possible GP0CON1 = 0x1. I have checked switching between 0 and 1 value and I can still get correct measurement as long as GP0CON1 = 0x1 when doing the ADC measurement from ADC8 input. 

  • Hi,

    Please let me clarify the setup for my test:

    1. The board I used is the EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ so I can only download via UART downloader

    2. The example code that I provided configures the Primary and Auxiliary ADCs to use ADC2 and ADC8 as inputs respectively. I am using an external voltage source as an input to ADCs. No ADC is connected to any DAC, this is the reason why my result is showing a constant value even when DAC value is change. If I change the value in the voltage source then thats the time that the ADC result will change. 

    3. The DAC is configured to output zeroscale (0V) and midscale (0.6V) in a given time interval using VRef = 1.2V

    In conclusion, all the blocks are working fine even with P0 configured as an analog input. ADC8 is shared with P0.2 for ADUC7061 part and the DAC is still working as expected no spikes as reported in the original thread. 

    I will advise you to get the EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ and do your tests with this board. I am also open to reviewing your schematic and layout to see if there's anything that is causing the issue on your side. 



  • Hi,

    Please let me clarify the setup for my test:

    1. The board I used is the EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ so I can only download via UART downloader

    2. The example code that I provided configures the Primary and Auxiliary ADCs to use ADC2 and ADC8 as inputs respectively. I am using an external voltage source as an input to ADCs. No ADC is connected to any DAC, this is the reason why my result is showing a constant value even when DAC value is change. If I change the value in the voltage source then thats the time that the ADC result will change. 

    3. The DAC is configured to output zeroscale (0V) and midscale (0.6V) in a given time interval using VRef = 1.2V

    In conclusion, all the blocks are working fine even with P0 configured as an analog input. ADC8 is shared with P0.2 for ADUC7061 part and the DAC is still working as expected no spikes as reported in the original thread. 

    I will advise you to get the EVAL-ADUC7061MKZ and do your tests with this board. I am also open to reviewing your schematic and layout to see if there's anything that is causing the issue on your side. 



  • It is easy to test to use codes i give you last. The code is correct.

    But is don't consider your code is correct.

  • I do belive the resule is same on eval_axxxMKZ, as on my board.

    The board is simple and, very important is, it works correctly when i use jtag to download code.

    I can't belive your result, it is becuase your code is really according to your result.

    But you understand / analysis it with wrong logic.

    You are in the plight of thinking now, i sugesst you to analyse your result later.

    Whait is the spike? It is not noise spike.

    In your code ,you set DACDAT = 0x8000000 and dac output 1.0V when GP0CON1 = 0x1; in fact, it should be 0.9V, the DAC will output 0.9V when GP0CON1 = 0x0.

    So, if you change from GP0CON1 = 0x1 to GP0CON1 = 0x0, the output voltage will swing from 1.0V to 0.9V. This is spike.

    I have give you right code to test when GP0CON1 = 0x0, but why do not you try it?

    I give you this file three times.

  • In fact, you don't need use channel 6~9.

    you can  use channel 0~4.

  • int main(void)
    	unsigned char i = 0;
    	unsigned char nLen = 0;
    	char SwapFlag = 0;
    	float lsb10r9 = 143.0511; // 10^9 G
    	POWKEY1 = 0x1;
    	POWCON0 = 0x78;		   // Set core to max CPU speed of 10.24Mhz
    	POWKEY2 = 0xF4;
    	GP0KEY1 = 0x7; 
    	GP0CON1 = 0x1; 
    	GP0KEY2 = 0x13;	
    	GP0CON0 = 0x00000000; //p0.0~p0.4 gpio
    	GP0PAR = 0x0f; 				//01110
    	GP0DAT = 0x10100000;
    	// Initialize the UART for 9600-8-N
    	GP1CON = BIT0 + BIT4;  // Select UART functionality for P1.0/P1.1
    	COMCON0 = BIT7;			// Enable access to COMDIV registers
    	COMDIV0 = 0x21;			// Set baud rate to 9600.
    	COMDIV1 = 0x00;
    	COMCON0 = BIT0 + BIT1 + BIT2;
    	COMIEN0 = BIT0 + BIT1;	 // Enable UART interrupts when Rx full and Tx buffer empty.
    	// DAC configuration
    	DACCON = 0 + 			// Rang internal Vref = 1.2V /AGND
    			 BIT4;					// Disable clearing of DACDAT + DAC is updated with falling edge of core clock
    	// Configure ADC1 for continuous conversions, 1khz, ADC4 input
    //note by huang, i will open interrupt later
    	ADCMSKI = 0;	// Disable ADC1 result ready interrupt source
    	ADCFLT = 0x46;	
    	// Chop off, 0.1Khz samping rate, SF = 70.	No averaging
    //note by huang, close here, open later
    	ADCMDE = 0 + BIT1 + BIT0;	//IDLE
    	note by huang:
    	error, ADC0 can't use channel 6~9
    	ADC0CON = BIT8 + BIT7 	// ADC0 input channel 6 in Single-Ended mode.
    		+ BIT15;	    // Auxiliary-ADC Enabled
    									// Also, Int reference, 
    	//ADC0 is useless, so close it;	
    // i will open adc1 later	
    	ADC0CON = 0;
    	ADC1CON = 0;
    //note by huang:
    //error: 	this set channel 8, not channel 6;
    	ADC1CON = BIT10 + BIT7 	// ADC1 input channel 8 in Single-Ended mode.
    		+ BIT15;	    // Auxiliary-ADC Enabled
    									// Also, Int reference, 
    	ADCCFG = 0;
    	IRQEN = BIT10 + BIT11; // Enable ADC1 and UART interrupts
    	bSendResultToUART = 0;
    	while (1)
    		if (SwapFlag == 0)
    			GP0KEY1 = 0x7; 
    			GP0CON1 = 0x0; 
    			GP0KEY2 = 0x13;				
    			//adc input
    			GP0KEY1 = 0x7; 
    			GP0CON1 = 0x1; 
    			GP0KEY2 = 0x13;	
    		//for stable
    		DACDAT = 0x8000000;
    		//for stable
    		bSendResultToUART = 0;
    		// open interrupt
    		ADCMSKI = BIT1; //Enable ADC1 result ready interrupt source
    		//open ADC1
    		ADC1CON = BIT9 + BIT8 	// ADC1 input channel 4 in Single-Ended mode.
    		+ BIT15;	    // Auxiliary-ADC Enabled
    									// Also, Int reference, 		
    		//read to clear
    		ulADC0Result = ADC0DAT;	// Read ADC0 conversion result
    		ulADC1Result = ADC1DAT;	// Read ADC1 conversion result
    		//open ADC1
    		ADCMDE = 0 + BIT1;	// single Conversion mode, Normal mode
    		//wait for at least one sample
    		while (bSendResultToUART == 0)
    	 if (bSendResultToUART == 1) // Is there an ADC1 result ready for UART transmission?
    		 //if i receive one sample, then close ADC1 and interrupt for UART business.
    		 //if all uart send all text, then open them again
    		 ADC1CON = 0;
    		 ADCMSKI = 0;
    		 bSendResultToUART = 0;
    			if (SwapFlag == 1)
    				sprintf ( (char*)szTemp, "%05.3f\r ADC1(Ch4) Result(ADC input)\r",ulADC1Result*lsb10r9/1000000000 );// Send the ADC1 Result to the UART                          
    				sprintf ( (char*)szTemp, "%05.3f\r ADC1(Ch4) Result(GPIO)\r",ulADC1Result*lsb10r9/1000000000 );// Send the ADC1 Result to the UART                          
    			nLen = strlen((char*)szTemp);
    			for ( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )	// loop to send ADC1 result
    				 COMTX = szTemp[i];
    					 ucTxBufferEmpty = 0;
    				 while (ucTxBufferEmpty == 0)
    		//swap for next test
    		if (SwapFlag == 0)
    			SwapFlag = 1;
    			//adc input
    			SwapFlag = 0;
    			DACDAT = 0x0000000;
    			 sprintf ( (char*)szTemp, "ADC1 Result: %f\r",ulADC1Result*lsb10r9/1000000000 );// Send the ADC1 Result to the UART                          
       			nLen = strlen((char*)szTemp);
         		for ( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )	// loop to send ADC1 result
    	     		 COMTX = szTemp[i];
    	      		 ucTxBufferEmpty = 0;
    		  		 while (ucTxBufferEmpty == 0)

    This code just use ADC1 channel4, it will  read back DAC output when GP0CON1 = 0x0.

  • Hi.
    I am now using the code you sent and it still looks correct to me. In you code, you set the DAC to 0.6V (midscale with VRef = 1.2) and then I connected this DAC output to CH4 and just read the result from UART.  DAC is stable at 0.6V and ADC is reading 0.599V. I can't see the issue that you mentioned.

    By the way, I power cycled the board before measurement. 

  • Ok, thank you very much.

    you do good job.

    I will check silicon version and apply new device sample.

    will you give silk over package of aduc7061 to me ?