I am attempting to use the ADuC70xy USB Combi-Downloader in Windows 7 64bit but I keep getting a driver not installed message.
See attached picture.
How can I fix this ? It works fine in WinXP.
thanks !
I am attempting to use the ADuC70xy USB Combi-Downloader in Windows 7 64bit but I keep getting a driver not installed message.
See attached picture.
How can I fix this ? It works fine in WinXP.
thanks !
Hi Bob,
This is a problem with Win 7 requiring signed drivers.
ADI uses a custom Product ID in the FTDI chip on the dongle you are using.
To attain compatibility with Windows 7 you must change this custom PID to a generic FTDI default.
To do this perform the following :
2. Using a WinXP machine connect the dongle and run the FT_Prog software.
3. Click the magnifying glass icon on the toolbar ( scan and parse). This will load the PID and VID from the dongles FTDI chip.
4. Change the PID from A640 to 6001 and click the Program Devices icon on the toolbar.
Connect the dongle to a Windows 7 machine and it will now recognise the dongle.
best regards,
this instructions can be used also for the ADuC7061 MiniKit and the ADuC7023 evaluation-boards using FTDI UART/USB-Converter.
I've modified the FTDI drivers to include the Analog custom Product ID.
These drivers aren't signed and they need to be manually added from Device Manager > Update Driver Software > Browse My Computer for driver software.
I was presented with a warning message about unsigned drivers which I was able to ignore.
Hopefully this will work for others as it does not require having an xp machine to modify the dongle firmware.
It works also well with the LIN version to download to the Battery Monitoring
Precision Analog Microcontroller ADuC703x products.
now, it could not install in Win10. do you have any other method?
Hi, I'm looking for the "Aduc70xy USB-combi-Downloader" driver, please share with me, very grateful.
I've been struggling on its connection for several days...
I connect USB-I2C_LIN-CONV-Z to WinXP/Win7/Win10, always shows "The driver for this device is not installed." in device manager.
The drivers should be in the attachments.zip file in the answer to this thread.
Another way to use the USB-I2C_LIN-CONV-Z for Win10. is to use the application on the link below
Please open a new thread for further questions.