Only prints hello at SDK terminal when I run the default SDK project.
I followed following steps.
How to build Xilinx Default HDL Project for Zedboard in Window?
Courtesy to:
- Vivado installed
Steps to build:
- Cygwin installation
make sure following libraries but install: git, make, gcc, g++
- Create folder in your PC where you want to download resource files and build
- Export the Vivado and SDK directories
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/your path of vivado and sdk
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/C/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/C/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/bin
- Verify the exported paths
- Download the resource hdl files
git clone
- Run following commands
- cd hdl
- git status
- git checkout hdl_2019_r2
- git fetch origin
- git rebase origin/hdl_2019_r2
- ls
- cd projects/adrv9001/zed
- make
- Once make is done you can open your project in vivado
How to build Xilinx Default No-OS Project for Zedboard in Window?
Courtesy to:
- Vivado installed
Steps to build:
- Install git on your PC
- Create directory where you want to build your no-os project
- Export the SDK paths
export PATH=/d/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/bin:/d/Xilinx/SDK/2019.1/gnu/aarch32/nt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin:$PATH
source /path/to/xilinx/Vitis/2022.2/
- Verify the exported paths
- Clone the no-os source file
git clone --recursive -b 2019_R2
- Go the directory till
- Run the command (I had already run this command that is why not available now)
- Copy the hdf file from HDL project directory to the no-OS project directory
- Run the command
- The connect your zedboad with PC and run command
make run
- Run the command
- SDK will open you , now you can verify the built project