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ADRV9002 ZCU102 Calibration Error

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: Vivado 2023.1

Hi Team,

             I'm using hdl_2022_r2 and no_OS_2022_r2 for ZCU102_ADRV9002 project creation. At the time of initialization, I am getting calibration error. I'm using custom ADRV9002 with device clock of 100MHz. I am stuck at Calibration state. 

Here I'm attaching the no-OS prints:

DEBUG: RX1 enabled
DEBUG: TX1 enabled
DEBUG: RX2 enabled
DEBUG: TX2 enabled
DEBUG: pos: 15, Chan1:1BE5F7, Chan2:1BE5F7[ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -101.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_arm.c, in function adi_adrv9001_arm_CmdStatus_Wait, in line 646, variable name device.Error message ArmCmdStatusWait() failed due to thrown ARM error. Is device in correct state for calling command?.
[ERROR]: Error number 13314 (0x00003402), Recovery action -2.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/private/src/adrv9001_arm.c, in function adrv9001_ArmCmdErrorHandler, in line 2822, variable name mailboxErrCode.Error message Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate.
[ERROR]: Error number 13314 (0x00003402), Recovery action -2.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_cals.c, in function adi_adrv9001_cals_InitCals_Run, in line 107, variable name NULL.Error message Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate.
adrv9002_setup, 997: failed with "Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate" (13314)

Thanks in advance
Goli Ganesh

  • calibration error occurs becuse

    1. voltage levles are not stable for adrv9002

    2.cloclk signal doesn't meet voltage level of LVDS standrards of adrv9002

    3. system is not in correct state ie adrv should be in standby state 

    4. clock mentioned in code should match clock given to adrv9002

    my suspision is on point 4 becuse you are using diffrent clock(100MHz) than gnerally used clock ie 38.4MHz please check Navassa_CMOS_profile.h that  "deviceClock_kHz\": 38400, change it to"deviceClock_kHz\": 100000, to match your 100 MHz freqency

  • calibration error occurs becuse

    1. voltage levles are not stable for adrv9002

    2.cloclk signal doesn't meet voltage level of LVDS standrards of adrv9002

    3. system is not in correct state ie adrv should be in standby state 

    4. clock mentioned in code should match clock given to adrv9002

    my suspision is on point 4 becuse you are using diffrent clock(100MHz) than gnerally used clock ie 38.4MHz please check Navassa_CMOS_profile.h that  "deviceClock_kHz\": 38400, change it to"deviceClock_kHz\": 100000, to match your 100 MHz freqency

  • Hi  ,

       Thank you for the response.

    my suspision is on point 4 becuse you are using diffrent clock(100MHz) than gnerally used clock ie 38.4MHz please check Navassa_CMOS_profile.h that  "deviceClock_kHz\": 38400, change it to"deviceClock_kHz\": 100000, to match your 100 MHz freqency

        I already changed that one. Still I'm getting calibration issue (13314).

    1. voltage levles are not stable for adrv9002

         The voltage levels are stable only.

        Are there anything to look further. 

    Thanks and regards
     Goli Ganesh


  • Hi Team,

                     Is there any update?

  • did you check peak-peak volatoge of the output of 100MHz clock at E7,E8(device clk+,-) the voltage level should not exeed 400mVpp. did you put 0.1UF capacitors at E7&E8 and 100Ohms resistor as per design did you make any design changes to adrv9002 please provide details if any. also don't connect any probes for tx and rx untill this error fades becuse of reflections of rf signal during calibration may cause calibration error.

  • Thank you for the response. 

    did you check peak-peak volatoge of the output of 100MHz clock at E7,E8(device clk+,-) the voltage level should not exeed 400mVpp. did you put 0.1UF capacitors at E7&E8 and 100Ohms resistor as per design did you make any design changes to adrv9002 please provide details if any.

    Yes , we have verified the 100MHz clock connection. the voltage level is around 200mVpp. Yes we used 0.1uF at E7&E8 and 100ohm resistor as per design.

    There are no other changes. Any suggestions it would be helpful.

  • i can think only the reset of adrv9002 is not occuring properly or your 100MHz clock is interfering during calibration process becuse if any signal is applied during calibration it leads to calibration error so check gronding of the board grounding issuses may cause calibration problems also don't put any rf cables to tx,rx as mentioned before thank you

  • Thank you for the response.

    The reset of adrv9002 is occurring properly. Grounding of the board is proper. We don't put any rf cables to tx,rx as mentioned.

    Still I'm stuck at calibration error (13314). Any suggestions would be helpful for further debugging.

  • I noticed that adi_adrv9001_cals_InitCals_Run is at 981 line but your error occures at line 997 did you change code?

  • Actually its line 981 only. I added some print statements before that API. So it show line 997. I didn't change any code.