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ADRV9001 no-OS System level design building issue

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002


We are using ADRV9001 EVAL board with ZCU102. We are trying to build adrv9001 no-OS software for xilinx and facing issue on creating project.

Note:- I have followed this steps from this link

While building the project on adrv9001, we are getting below error with "Timeout on establishing connection with Vitis".  I have installed Vitis 2023.2 version and Vivado 2023.2 also installed in my Ubuntu.

[11:32:54] Building for xilinx
[11:32:54] Creating and configuring the IDE project
Timeout while establishing a connection with Vitis
while executing
"error "Timeout while establishing a connection with Vitis""
(procedure "getsdkchan" line 125)
invoked from within
(procedure "app" line 344)
invoked from within
"app create -name app -hw $::hw -proc $cpu -os standalone -template $::template"
(procedure "_vitis_project" line 9)
invoked from within
(procedure "create_project" line 6)
invoked from within
(file "/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/no-OS/tools/scripts/platform/xilinx/util.tcl" line 280)
make[1]: *** [/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/no-OS/tools/scripts/ xilinx_project] Error 1
make: *** [../../tools/scripts/ all] Error 2

What is issue with Vitis software, do i need to install any software for this and please guide until sdkopen command.

Thanks in advance

Uthayakumar RH

Thread Notes

  • Hi George,

    I followed the same link, im getting error at do MAKE

    I'm using Linux and GNU make version 4.2.1 and compiling for xilinx. Im using Vivado 2023.2

    I followed below steps to make the projects,

    uthayakumar@system:/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/Vitis/Vitis/2023.2# source
    uthayakumar@system:/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/Vitis/Vitis/2023.2# cd ../../..
    uthayakumar@system:/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA# cd no-OS/

    uthayakumar@system:/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/no-OS/projects/adrv9001# ls
    build builds.json Makefile scripts src system_top.xsa

    uthayakumar@system:/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/no-OS/projects/adrv9001# make

    [11:21:49] Building for xilinx
    [11:21:49] Creating and configuring the IDE project
    Timeout while establishing a connection with Vitis
    while executing
    "error "Timeout while establishing a connection with Vitis""
    (procedure "getsdkchan" line 125)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "app" line 344)
    invoked from within
    "app create -name app -hw $::hw -proc $cpu -os standalone -template $::template"
    (procedure "_vitis_project" line 9)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "create_project" line 6)
    invoked from within
    (file "/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/no-OS/tools/scripts/platform/xilinx/util.tcl" line 280)
    make[1]: *** [/home/uthayakumar/work/NAVASA/no-OS/tools/scripts/ xilinx_project] Error 1
    make: *** [../../tools/scripts/ all] Error 2

    Can you please give some solution for this


    Uthayakumar RH

  • Hi,

    You seem to be doing the build correctly, but it looks like you ran into a tooling (Xilinx) issue which would better be addressed on Xilinx forums.

    I would like to see your $PATH so please do the whole build preparation again and right before doing `make` execute `echo $PATH` and paste the output here.

Reply Children
  • Hi 

    Yeah i visited this xilinx forum also for this issue. Even i tried, the way suggested still I'm getting issue.

    Below is my $PATH:

    uthayakumar@system:~/work/NAVASA/no-OS/projects/adrv9001$ echo $PATH


  • ,

    Looks like you have not done the source part from the build guide.

    This is how a normal PATH looks on linux:
