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Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: 2021_R1


I am using adrv9002 with NOOS version 2021_R1, I am getting CALIBRATION ERROR

[ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -101.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_arm.c, in function adi_adrv9001_arm_CmdStatus_Wait, in line 646, variable name device.Error message ArmCmdStatusWait() failed due to thrown ARM error. Is device in correct state for calling command?.

Why this is occur and what is the description for this  Error number 3 (0x00000003)

Thread Notes

  • Hi ,

    Can you, please, share with us the configuration of your setup? What carrier are you using?



  • hi  ,

    I am using ADRV9002 EVALUATION board with ZCU102 eval board, using VIVADO version 2021.1.

    while programming it using VITIS (source code NOOS_2021_r1 downloaded from analog devices github), I am getting following error

    [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -101.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_arm.c, in function adi_adrv9001_arm_CmdStatus_Wait, in line 646, variable name device.Error message ArmCmdStatusWait() failed due to thrown ARM error. Is device in correct state for calling command?.
    [ERROR]: Error number 13314 (0x00003402), Recovery action -2.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/private/src/adrv9001_arm.c, in function adrv9001_ArmCmdErrorHandler, in line 2822, variable name mailboxErrCode.Error message Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate.
    [ERROR]: Error number 13314 (0x00003402), Recovery action -2.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_cals.c, in function adi_adrv9001_cals_InitCals_Run, in line 107, variable name NULL.Error message Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate.
    adrv9002_setup, 997: failed with "Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate" (13314)

    how to solve this

  • Hi ,

    It is recommended that you use the latest main branch. Have you tried to run the application from the main branch?

    Furthermore, for getting more information about the error, you can activate debug messages (place NO_OS_LOG_DEBUG here What is the output in this case?



Reply Children
  • Hi  ,

    I have activated NO_OS_LOG_DEBUG , got following message

    DEBUG: RX1 enabled
    DEBUG: TX1 enabled
    DEBUG: RX2 enabled
    DEBUG: TX2 enabled
    DEBUG: pos: 15, Chan1:1BE5F7, Chan2:1BE5F7[ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -101.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_arm.c, in function adi_adrv9001_arm_CmdStatus_Wait, in line 646, variable name device.Error message ArmCmdStatusWait() failed due to thrown ARM error. Is device in correct state for calling command?.
    [ERROR]: Error number 13314 (0x00003402), Recovery action -2.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/private/src/adrv9001_arm.c, in function adrv9001_ArmCmdErrorHandler, in line 2822, variable name mailboxErrCode.Error message Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate.
    [ERROR]: Error number 13314 (0x00003402), Recovery action -2.In file ../src/noos/drivers/rf-transceiver/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_cals.c, in function adi_adrv9001_cals_InitCals_Run, in line 107, variable name NULL.Error message Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate.
    adrv9002_setup, 997: failed with "Error occurred during an Init Calibration. Check that no signal is being applied to the Rx ports. Check that correct external LOs are applied, and synchronized, where appropriate" (13314)

  • Hi ,

    Another quick check would be to try the latest main branch. Some problems have been solved in the meantime. Please let us know what is the result.



  • hi  ,

    I have tried in VIVADO 2023.1 version with hdl-main and NOOS-main   branch, still getting same message

  • We will build a setup and get back to you after that.



  • Hi ,

    We were unable to replicate the error you are getting. Are you using a custom board for the ADRV9001?

    Running the sample project (Vitis 2022.1 and Vitis 2023.1) from the main branches (no-OS and HDL) for a setup made up of a ZCU102 and an ADRV9002XBCZ resulted in the following output:

    ADRV9002 Rev 12.0, Firmware API version: 68.0.6 successfully initialized
    axi-adrv9002-rx-lpc: Successfully initialized (61444091 Hz)
    axi-adrv9002-tx-lpc: Successfully initialized (61444091 Hz)
    axi-adrv9002-rx2-lpc: Successfully initialized (61444091 Hz)
    axi-adrv9002-tx2-lpc: Successfully initialized (61444091 Hz)



  • calibration error occurs becuse

    1. voltage levles are not stable for adrv9002

    2.cloclk signal doesn't meet voltage level of LVDS standrards of adrv9002

    3. system is not in correct state ie adrv should be in standby state 

    4. clock mentioned in code should match clock given to adrv9002

    my suspision is on point 4 becuse you are using diffrent clock(100MHz) than gnerally used clock ie 38.4MHz please check Navassa_CMOS_profile.h that  "deviceClock_kHz\": 38400, change it to"deviceClock_kHz\": 100000, to match your 100 MHz freqency