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ADRV9002 and ZCU102 no-OS firmware

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: 2021.1

Hi all,

I have just started the ADRV2002 board C) with ZCU102, no-OS firmware.

Is there any method to change the frequency of the PLL from the Analog IIO oscilloscope application ?

It seems that for now is only software define in code .

Any document to provide additional info ?

Thank you,


  • Hi Travis,

    I see that right now I am able to generate the signal at 2.45 GHz or so/  It is the same for booth channels. I am using this by choosing one CW tone from the console for either TX1 or TX2.

    I need to change this 2.4 GHz signal to something lower . I presume  I am talking about the first LO ( PLL) that feeds the quadrature modulator for each channel.

    Besides this, I see the signals represented correctly on my spectrum analyzer but al least the amplitude is not correct ( - 70 db or so) on the oscilloscope. Is this due the fact  that I need to load another profile ? It look's that the signal is in the RX bandwidth since  the  noise  bigger around 2.45 GHz for about +/- 1MHz.

    I am using a loopback between TX1 and RX1A  . Same for channel 2..

    Thank you for your reply,


  • Since you are in No-OS you need to implement configuration through the ADRV9002 API itself. See the API doc that is part of the SDK. If you want to control the LOs from IIO-Scope, you will need to use the Linux driver.


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