Hi everyone,
I am receiving no output signal when I set my lane rate to 5GSPS, using the jesd mode helper tool: My configuration is as follows:
TX side: JESD MODE Number 6 txBW 200.0 Total interpolation 16, Coarse Int = 8, Fine Int =2, M=2, L=2, F=2, S=1, K=32, N=16, NP =16, Lane rate: 5.0
RX side: JESD MODE Number 7.00 txBW 203.5 Total interpolation 16, Coarse Int = 4, Fine Int =4, M=2, L=2, F=2, S=1, K=32, N=16, NP =16, Lane rate: 5.0
I configure the timing_constr.xdc file on the FPGA design to as follows:
# Primary clock definitions
create_clock -name refclk -period 4 [get_ports fpga_refclk_in_p]
# device clock
create_clock -name tx_device_clk -period 8 [get_ports clkin6_p]
create_clock -name rx_device_clk -period 8 [get_ports clkin10_p]
On the NO-OS side i do the following changes in the app_config.h:
#define AD9081_DAC_FREQUENCY 4000000000 #define AD9081_ADC_FREQUENCY 4000000000 #ifdef QUAD_MXFE #define AD9081_ADC_NYQUIST_ZONE {1, 1, 1, 1} #else #define AD9081_ADC_NYQUIST_ZONE {0, 0, 0, 0} #endif /* TX path */ #define AD9081_TX_JESD_MODE 6 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_SUBCLASS 1 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_VERSION 1 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_M 2 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_F 2 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_K 32 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_N 16 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_NP 16 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_CS 0 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_L 2 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_S 1 #define AD9081_TX_JESD_HD 1 #ifdef QUAD_MXFE #define AD9081_TX_LOGICAL_LANE_MAPPING {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} #else #define AD9081_TX_LOGICAL_LANE_MAPPING {0, 2, 7, 7, 1, 7, 7, 3} #endif #define AD9081_TX_MAIN_INTERPOLATION 8 #define AD9081_TX_CHAN_INTERPOLATION 2 #define AD9081_TX_MAIN_NCO_SHIFT {1500000000, 0, 0, 0} #define AD9081_TX_CHAN_NCO_SHIFT {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} #define AD9081_TX_CHAN_GAIN {2048, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} #define AD9081_TX_DAC_CHAN_CROSSBAR {0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8} /* RX path */ #define AD9081_RX_JESD_MODE 7 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_SUBCLASS 1 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_VERSION 1 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_M 2 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_F 2 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_K 32 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_N 16 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_NP 16 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_CS 0 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_L 2 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_S 1 #define AD9081_RX_JESD_HD 1 #ifdef QUAD_MXFE #define AD9081_RX_LOGICAL_LANE_MAPPING {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} #else #define AD9081_RX_LOGICAL_LANE_MAPPING {2, 0, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 1} #endif #define AD9081_RX_LINK_CONVERTER_SELECT {0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} #define AD9081_RX_MAIN_DECIMATION {4, 4, 0, 0} #define AD9081_RX_CHAN_DECIMATION {4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} #define AD9081_RX_MAIN_ENABLE {1, 1, 0, 0} #define AD9081_RX_CHAN_ENABLE {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, , 0, 0} #define AD9081_RX_MAIN_NCO_SHIFT {1500000000, 0, 0, 0} #define AD9081_RX_CHAN_NCO_SHIFT {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
also I change the app_jesd_init function inputs to as follows:
app_jesd_init(jesd_clk, 250000, 125000,125000, 5000000,5000000);
the log that is printed is as follows:rx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD RX (JTX) Link1 in DATA, SYNC deasserted, PLL locked, PHASE established, MODE valid
DAC IRQ status 0xf043000000
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_adxcvr: OK (5000000 kHz)
ad9081_jesd_rx_link_status_print: JESD TX (JRX) Link1 0x0 lanes in DATA
tx_jesd status:
Link is enabled
Measured Link Clock: 250.021 MHz
Reported Link Clock: 125.000 MHz
Lane rate: 50000.000 MHz
Lane rate / 40: 125:000 MHz
LMFC rate: 7.812 MHz
SYNC~: deasserted
Link status: ILAS
SYSREF captured: Yes
SYSREF alignment error: No
rx_jesd status:
Link is enabled
Measured Link Clock: 250.021 MHz
Reported Link Clock: 125.000 MHz
Lane rate: 50000.000 MHz
Lane rate / 40: 125:000 MHz
LMFC rate: 7.812 MHz
Link status: DATA
SYSREF captured: Yes
SYSREF alignment error: No
tx_dac: Succesfully initialized (5000042724 Hz)
rx_adc: Succesfully initialized (5000042724 Hz)
As it can be seen the IRQ_STATUS0 is 0 and i cannot see any output waveform at the frontend. Is there something that I am doing wrong or have I missed something that I should set.
For both the NO-OS and the HDL i am using the 2021_R1 branch from github.
Any help would be appreciated