Hello All
I am trying to interface ADV7511 on KCU105 to HDMI monitor.
Recommended for New Designs
The ADV7511 is a 225 MHz High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI®) transmitter, which is ideal for home entertainment products including DVD players...
ADV7511 on Analog.com
Hello All
I am trying to interface ADV7511 on KCU105 to HDMI monitor.
Hello Deepika,
We stopped maintaining the KCU105/AD7511 design, but I believe it shouldn't be too complicated to build it based on latest release branch.
You'll need the adv7511/common folder and adv7511/kcu105 folder and should change hdl/system_project.tcl at hdl_2017_r1 · analogdevicesinc/hdl (github.com) to adi_project adv7511_kcu105.
Hello Adrian
I have generated .hdf file from the following link : //github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/tree/hdl_2017_r1/projects/adv7511 for KCU105 (2016 version)
I am following link : https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/xilinx/kc705/adv7511 to execute the demo (SDK) program, however, I am receiving the following error: "fatal error: xil_io.h: No such file or directory". The screenshot of the same is attached :
Dheeru@3 ,
What environment you are using to build the project ?
If you don't use Windows cmd with administrator priviledges, please do so.
Here's the build guide.