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serial connection with iio oscilloscope


I have a problem connecting my project with the iio oscilloscope.

I followed the link to build the sample project.

Then I open the iio oscilloscope and it doesn't have the serial context option.

What is the problem with this?

Thank you,

[locked by: buha at 7:04 AM (GMT -5) on 25 Nov 2021]
Parents Reply Children
  • Nicole,

    This is Ubuntu related configuration - Ubuntu lib paths are weird. You have 3 options here:

    1. Find a way to pass the correct prefix so as /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ is overwritten when you sudo make install.

    2. If 1) fails, manually symlink files so that /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ points to wherever `sudo make install` installed your file.

    3. Reboot into an older kernel where this wasn't an issue.

  • Thank you very much,

    I was able to solve this problem. And I have this connection:

    But when I press "connect" I get this in terminal:

    nicole@nicole-None:~/iio-oscilloscope/build$ sudo ./osc
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Found plugin: FMComms1
    Found plugin: CN0540
    Could not find expected iio devices
    Found plugin: AD7303
    Found plugin: AD9371
    Found plugin: Partial Reconfiguration
    Found plugin: LIDAR
    Found plugin: Spectrum Analyzer
    Found plugin: SCPI
    Found plugin: FMComms5
    Found plugin: AD6676
    Found plugin: AD936X
    Found plugin: AD5628-1
    Found plugin: AD9371 Advanced
    Found plugin: CN0511
    Found plugin: CN0508
    Found plugin: AD936X Advanced
    Found plugin: CN0357
    Found plugin: DMM
    Found plugin: ADRV9009
    Found plugin: FMCOMMS11
    Found plugin: FMComms6
    Found plugin: Motor Control
    Found plugin: ad9739a
    Found plugin: DAQ1/2/3
    Found plugin: FMCADC3
    Found plugin: Debug
    Found plugin: DAC Data Manager
    Loaded plugin: Spectrum Analyzer
    Updating widgets...
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Failed to toggle DDS: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Updating FIR filter...
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Loaded plugin: AD936X
    Loaded plugin: DMM
    Loaded plugin: Debug
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110

    After a few minutes the interface of the iio-oscilloscope opens,

    but I can't see any signal on the interface.

    I can't make to changes in the interface.

    Thanks for your help!!


  • Hi ,

    Glad to hear you managed to build/install libserialport.

    I see you're running a windows host with Ubuntu 20.x guest in vmware.

    The error you're getting now is likely related to:

    - either Windows can't keep up with serial baud rate 921600 (you can test this by installing an iio-oscilloscope on your windows, and trying out from there)

    - or there is an issue with serial port passing to the virtual machine.

    I'm afraid I can't help with this one more than this.

  • Thank you very much for your help, it was very important !!


  • Glad to help Nicole, but please mark one (or more) of the replies above as answer.

    This helps future readers find the solution faster.