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serial connection with iio oscilloscope


I have a problem connecting my project with the iio oscilloscope.

I followed the link to build the sample project.

Then I open the iio oscilloscope and it doesn't have the serial context option.

What is the problem with this?

Thank you,

[locked by: buha at 7:04 AM (GMT -5) on 25 Nov 2021]
Parents Reply Children
  • Indeed, libiio seems to be the issue.

    libiio can be build with different backends. As you can see, mine have the serial backend, but yours doesn't.

    Did you installed the one from releases?


  • libiio removed serial backend recently from defaults, thus latest libiio version, if compiled from source does not have serial backend. If you're building from source, please rebuild with the following recipe:

    analog@precision:~/libiio$ mkdir build
    analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ cd build
    analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ cmake ../ -DWITH_SERIAL_BACKEND=ON
    analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ make -j
    analog@precision:~/libiio/build$ sudo make install

    For more info see here:

    For context:

  • Hello,

    This works for me.

    With your help I can see the serial port with the iio oscilloscope,

    but I could not find my device.

    How Can I this problem?
    Thank you,
  • Oh, I know this problem... It's not related to AnalogDevices, it's related to a dependency of libiio called libserialport and got through the Ubuntu maintainers testing.

    Linux maintainers have removed a submodule called termiox as it was being unused for long time, of whatever...

    With the latest Linux kernel (which you have likely updated to recently!), libserialport only works if compiled from latest master, that includes this commit/workaround:

    So please build libserialport from master by hand and install it, I'm pretty sure it will fix your "Inappropriate ioctl for device" error message.

  • Could you guide me on how to do this?
    I downloaded libserialport from the link you gave me and I built and installed it according to this link
    But I have no changes with the problem.

  • You need to make sure you install it at the correct location in your system.

    First thing you need to do is:

    ldd $(which iio_info)

    This will print the list of libraries iio_info (part of libiio) uses and their path: => /usr/lib/ (0x00007fe690ae1000)

    Note how on my system libserialport is installed under /usr/lib. I think by default, libserialport is installed at /lib. So what you need to do in this case to build libserialport is pass a prefix to the ./configure script, something like (adjust please for your system):

    $ ./
    $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
    $ make
    $ sudo make install

    Look at file timestamps and make sure 'sudo make install' overwrites the correct file in your system (/usr/lib/ in my case)

  • This is the path in my case: => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f204ed06000)

    Is this the prefix?

    ./configure --prefix = / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu

    Thank you for this help. This is very important!!

  • Nicole,

    This is Ubuntu related configuration - Ubuntu lib paths are weird. You have 3 options here:

    1. Find a way to pass the correct prefix so as /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ is overwritten when you sudo make install.

    2. If 1) fails, manually symlink files so that /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ points to wherever `sudo make install` installed your file.

    3. Reboot into an older kernel where this wasn't an issue.

  • Thank you very much,

    I was able to solve this problem. And I have this connection:

    But when I press "connect" I get this in terminal:

    nicole@nicole-None:~/iio-oscilloscope/build$ sudo ./osc
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Found plugin: FMComms1
    Found plugin: CN0540
    Could not find expected iio devices
    Found plugin: AD7303
    Found plugin: AD9371
    Found plugin: Partial Reconfiguration
    Found plugin: LIDAR
    Found plugin: Spectrum Analyzer
    Found plugin: SCPI
    Found plugin: FMComms5
    Found plugin: AD6676
    Found plugin: AD936X
    Found plugin: AD5628-1
    Found plugin: AD9371 Advanced
    Found plugin: CN0511
    Found plugin: CN0508
    Found plugin: AD936X Advanced
    Found plugin: CN0357
    Found plugin: DMM
    Found plugin: ADRV9009
    Found plugin: FMCOMMS11
    Found plugin: FMComms6
    Found plugin: Motor Control
    Found plugin: ad9739a
    Found plugin: DAQ1/2/3
    Found plugin: FMCADC3
    Found plugin: Debug
    Found plugin: DAC Data Manager
    Loaded plugin: Spectrum Analyzer
    Updating widgets...
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Failed to toggle DDS: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Updating FIR filter...
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Loaded plugin: AD936X
    Loaded plugin: DMM
    Loaded plugin: Debug
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110
    Error: Unable to create buffer: Connection timed out
    ERROR: sp_blocking_read_next has timedout
    ERROR: READ LINE: -110

    After a few minutes the interface of the iio-oscilloscope opens,

    but I can't see any signal on the interface.

    I can't make to changes in the interface.

    Thanks for your help!!


  • Hi ,

    Glad to hear you managed to build/install libserialport.

    I see you're running a windows host with Ubuntu 20.x guest in vmware.

    The error you're getting now is likely related to:

    - either Windows can't keep up with serial baud rate 921600 (you can test this by installing an iio-oscilloscope on your windows, and trying out from there)

    - or there is an issue with serial port passing to the virtual machine.

    I'm afraid I can't help with this one more than this.