hi all,
I use the AD9467 default FMC reference design on KC705(https://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/xilinx/fmc/ad9467#more_information).
However I face many problems while executing ad9467_fmc_ebz.c:
1. I have no idea whether the software project build successfully.
There is the project contents and build settings.
2. Sometimes I get "Test passed", and sometimes I get ERRORs.
3. How can I read the data in ddr3?
I have tried to dump file by Xilinx>Dump/Restor Data File and setting Start Address = 0, Size = 8192,
The data I dumped isn't correct (The input signal is 1 Vpp , 1.2Vdc ,1MHz sine wave)
Could any body give me some advices.