I could able to read data using EVALAD7734 board.I wanted to connect the board to external controller and read the data.For that I closed the link LK28.I accessed the MISO,MOSI,SCLK from the J3 and connected to my external controller.
As mentioned in the AD7734 generic drivers,I used the drivers without any edit .I wrote communication drivers for my external controller. according to the generic driver provided on this below link
unsigned char AD7734_Init(void)
unsigned char status = 0x1;
if((AD7734_GetRegisterValue(AD7734_REG_REV, 1) & 0x0F) != 0x2)
status = 0x0;
My controller always outputs status as unsuccessful 0. When I read the Mode, setup, conversion time the output I got is 255,255,255 respectively.My SPI settings are:SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3)
Could you please help me how to initialize the ADC with an external controller.