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About enabling DPD when using ADRV 9375-W / PCBZ with Intel Arria 10 GX development kit


We have the design of Intel Arria 10 GX development kit using AD9371.

I would like to connect to ADRV9375-W / PCBZ using this design and try out the function of DPD.

I changed the source code with reference to the AD9371 Linux Driver and so on.

However, MYKONOS_waitInitCals () caused an error.

(If I do not add "DPD_INIT | CLGC_INIT | VSWR_INIT" to initCalMask, no error will occur.)

Specifically, it is CMB_SPIReadByte (device-> spiSettings, MYKONOS_ADDR_ARM_CMD_STATUS_ 0 + cmdByteIndex, & cmdByte); which is called in MYKONOS_readArmCmdStatusByte(),
This is because 224 is stored in cmdByte.

(It is 0 when it operates normally)

What does this mean?

Major Changed Code ]

< config_AD9371.c >

	uint32_t initCalMask = TX_BB_FILTER | ADC_TUNER | TIA_3DB_CORNER | DC_OFFSET |
#ifdef AD9351

	printf("Mykonos RF Frequency setting Completed\n");
	/*****                 Mykonos DPD Initialization                    *****/
#ifdef AD9351
	if ((mykError = MYKONOS_configDpd(&mykDevice)) != MYKONOS_ERR_OK)
	    /*** < Info: errorString will contain log error string in order to debug failure > ***/
	    errorString = getMykonosErrorMessage(mykError);

	if ((mykError = MYKONOS_configClgc(&mykDevice)) != MYKONOS_ERR_OK)
	    /*** < Info: errorString will contain log error string in order to debug failure > ***/
	    errorString = getMykonosErrorMessage(mykError);

	if ((mykError = MYKONOS_configVswr(&mykDevice)) != MYKONOS_ERR_OK)
	    /*** < Info: errorString will contain log error string in order to debug failure > ***/
	    errorString = getMykonosErrorMessage(mykError);
	printf("Mykonos DPD Config Completed\n");
	/*****                Mykonos Set GPIOs                              *****/

< myk_config.c >

static mykonosTxSettings_t txSettings =
    &txProfile,     /* Tx datapath profile, 3dB corner frequencies, and digital filter enables*/
    &deframer,      /* Mykonos JESD204b deframer config for the Tx data path*/
    TX1,            /* The desired Tx channels to enable during initialization*/
    0,              /* Internal LO=0, external LO*2 if =1*/
    1000000000U,     /* Tx PLL LO frequency (internal or external LO)*/
    TXATTEN_0P05_DB,/* Initial and current Tx1 Attenuation*/
    10000,          /* Initial and current Tx1 Attenuation mdB*/
    10000,          /* Initial and current Tx2 Attenuation mdB*/
    &dpdConfig,     /* <NULL>DPD,CLGC,VSWR settings. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
    &clgcConfig,    /* <NULL>CLGC Config Structure. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
    &vswrConfig     /* <NULL>VSWR Config Structure. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/

Thanks and Regards,

Top Replies

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi. Dragos

    Thank you for your support.

    And I am sorry again and again.

    I tested the downloaded source code.

    As a result, I couldn't get it to work well.

    I will show you my evaluation environment.

    (Q1) I'm connecting like this, is there any problem?

    I operated as follows.

    (1) I added the file described in the README to the newly created Nios II project and executed it.

    Nios II Console Output Results ]

    Please wait...
    WARNING: AD9528_initialize() issues. Possible cause: REF_CLK not connected.
    rx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    tx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1000 us)
    rx_os_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: ATX PLL calibration OK (20 ms)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 0 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 1 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 2 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 3 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    MCS successful
    CLKPLL locked
    AD9371 ARM version 5.2.2
    PLLs locked
    device->tx->dpdConfig structure has NULL pointer in MYKONOS_configDpd()

    (Q2) It was output as "WARNING: AD9528_initialize() issues. Possible cause: REF_CLK not connected.". Is there a problem?

    (2) Because "device->tx->dpdConfig structure has NULL pointer in MYKONOS_configDpd()" was output, in myk.c
    changed mykonosDpdConfig_t, mykonosClgcConfig_t, and mykonosVswrConfig_t from NULL to a structure pointer.

    static mykonosTxSettings_t txSettings =
        &txProfile,     /* Tx datapath profile, 3dB corner frequencies, and digital filter enables*/
        &deframer,      /* Mykonos JESD204b deframer config for the Tx data path*/
        TX1_TX2,        /* The desired Tx channels to enable during initialization*/
        0,              /* Internal LO=0, external LO*2 if =1*/
        2500000000U,    /* Tx PLL LO frequency (internal or external LO)*/
        TXATTEN_0P05_DB,/* Initial and current Tx1 Attenuation*/
        10000,          /* Initial and current Tx1 Attenuation mdB*/
        10000,          /* Initial and current Tx2 Attenuation mdB*/
        &dpdConfig,           /* DPD,CLGC,VSWR settings. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
        &clgcConfig,           /* CLGC Config Structure. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
        &vswrConfig            /* VSWR Config Structure. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/

    (3) I tried to run again.

    [ Nios II Console Output Results ]

    Please wait...
    WARNING: AD9528_initialize() issues. Possible cause: REF_CLK not connected.
    rx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (800 us)
    tx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    rx_os_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: ATX PLL calibration OK (20 ms)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 0 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 1 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 2 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 3 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    MCS successful
    CLKPLL locked
    AD9371 ARM version 5.2.2
    PLLs locked
    Unknown error was encountered.

    It seems that an error occurred in MYKONOS_waitInitCals ().

    (Q3) What kind of problems can be considered as the cause of not working properly?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hi,

    The  AD9528_initialize() warning can be caused by an improper/nonexistent clock connected to REF_CLK_IN (in our reference design, a clock of 30.72 MHz needs to be provided).

    Your changes to the txSettings are correct.

    By the way, can you also do a test by treating your AD9375 as a AD9371 (set prodid to AD9371_PRODID)?


  • Hi. Dragos

    Thank you for your answer.

    > in our reference design, a clock of 30.72 MHz needs to be provided.

    Thank you for your advice.

    The input frequency has been changed to 30.72 MHz.

    WARNING has disappeared, but the error in MYKONOS_waitInitCals () has not changed as before.

    > By the way, can you also do a test by treating your AD9375 as a AD9371 (set prodid to AD9371_PRODID)?

    I changed line 71 of headless.c and made it work.

    //#define AD9371_PRODID		0x03
    #define AD9371_PRODID		0x06
    #define IS_AD9371(prodid)	(prodid == AD9371_PRODID)

    When operating as an AD9371, no errors appear to occur.

    [ Nios II Console Output Results ]

    Please wait...
    rx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1000 us)
    tx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1000 us)
    rx_os_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: ATX PLL calibration OK (20 ms)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 0 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 1 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 2 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 3 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    MCS successful
    CLKPLL locked
    AD9371 ARM version 5.2.2
    PLLs locked
    Calibrations completed successfully
    rx_jesd status:
    	Link is enabled
    	Measured Link Clock: 122.881 MHz
    	Reported Link Clock: 122.880 MHz
    	Lane rate: 4915.200 MHz
    	Lane rate / 40: 122.880 MHz
    	Link status: DATA
    	SYSREF captured: Yes
    	SYSREF alignment error: No
    rx_jesd lane 0 status:
    Errors: 0
    	CGS state: DATA
    	Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    	Lane Latency: 1 Multi-frames and 51 Octets
    	Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    	DID: 0, BID: 0, LID: 0, L: 2, SCR: 1, F: 4
    	K: 32, M: 4, N: 16, CS: 0, N': 16, S: 1, HD: 0
    	FCHK: 0x47, CF: 0
    	FC: 4915200 kHz
    rx_jesd lane 1 status:
    Errors: 0
    	CGS state: DATA
    	Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    	Lane Latency: 1 Multi-frames and 51 Octets
    	Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    	DID: 0, BID: 0, LID: 1, L: 2, SCR: 1, F: 4
    	K: 32, M: 4, N: 16, CS: 0, N': 16, S: 1, HD: 0
    	FCHK: 0x48, CF: 0
    	FC: 4915200 kHz
    tx_jesd status:
    	Link is enabled
    	Measured Link Clock: 122.881 MHz
    	Reported Link Clock: 122.880 MHz
    	Lane rate: 4915.200 MHz
    	Lane rate / 40: 122.880 MHz
    	SYNC~: deasserted
    	Link status: DATA
    	SYSREF captured: Yes
    	SYSREF alignment error: No
    rx_os_jesd status:
    	Link is enabled
    	Measured Link Clock: 122.881 MHz
    	Reported Link Clock: 122.880 MHz
    	Lane rate: 4915.200 MHz
    	Lane rate / 40: 122.880 MHz
    	Link status: DATA
    	SYSREF captured: Yes
    	SYSREF alignment error: No
    rx_os_jesd lane 0 status:
    Errors: 0
    	CGS state: DATA
    	Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    	Lane Latency: 1 Multi-frames and 51 Octets
    	Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    	DID: 0, BID: 0, LID: 0, L: 2, SCR: 1, F: 2
    	K: 32, M: 2, N: 16, CS: 0, N': 16, S: 1, HD: 0
    	FCHK: 0x43, CF: 0
    	FC: 4915200 kHz
    rx_os_jesd lane 1 status:
    Errors: 0
    	CGS state: DATA
    	Initial Frame Synchronization: Yes
    	Lane Latency: 1 Multi-frames and 49 Octets
    	Initial Lane Alignment Sequence: Yes
    	DID: 0, BID: 0, LID: 1, L: 2, SCR: 1, F: 2
    	K: 32, M: 2, N: 16, CS: 0, N': 16, S: 1, HD: 0
    	FCHK: 0x44, CF: 0
    	FC: 4915200 kHz
    tx_dac: Successfully initialized (245761108 Hz)
    rx_adc: Successfully initialized (122880554 Hz)

    Are there any other possible causes?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hi Taka,

    This is good.

    I've added a small change to the ad9375 branch ( - call MYKONOS_radioOff() before configuring DPD, CLGC andVSWR. However, I'm not sure if it helps since my assumption is that the Radio is anyway OFF at that moment. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to test this - I'm waiting for a ADRV9375 board.

    You can also have a look at our Linux driver ( - the AD9375 driver support was tested over there.
    We also have an ADRV9371 device tree for Arria 10 GX - the only required change if ADRV9375 is used would to update the compatible string (compatible = "ad9375" instead of compatible = "ad9371") -
    If you want to give it a try, we can give some instructions.


  • Hi. Dragos

    Thank you for your answer.

    > Unfortunately, I wasn't able to test this - I'm waiting for a ADRV9375 board.

    I hope the ADRV9375 board will reach you fast...

    > call MYKONOS_radioOff() before configuring DPD, CLGC andVSWR. 

    I checked the operation, but still I got an error in the same place.

    [ Nios II Console Output Results ]

    Please wait...
    rx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    tx_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1000 us)
    rx_os_device_clk_pll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1200 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: ATX PLL calibration OK (20 ms)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 0 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 1 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 2 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    tx_adxcvr: Lane 3 TX termination and VOD calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    rx_os_adxcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibration OK (600 us)
    MCS successful
    CLKPLL locked
    AD9371 ARM version 5.2.2
    PLLs locked
    Unknown error was encountered.

    > If you want to give it a try, we can give some instructions.
    I do not plan to implement Linux, but I checked it by referring to the following page for reference.

    [ NiosII Command Shell ]

    $ nios2-configure-sof adrv9371x_a10gx.sof
    Searching for SOF file:
    in .
    Info: *******************************************************************
    Info: Running Quartus Prime Programmer
    Info: Command: quartus_pgm --no_banner --mode=jtag -o p;adrv9371x_a10gx.sof
    Info (213045): Using programming cable "USB-BlasterII [USB-1]"
    Info (213011): Using programming file adrv9371x_a10gx.sof with checksum 0x31451F
    EE for device 10AX115S2F45@1
    Info (209060): Started Programmer operation at Tue Apr 02 10:06:37 2019
    Info (209016): Configuring device index 1
    Info (209017): Device 1 contains JTAG ID code 0x02E060DD
    Info (209007): Configuration succeeded -- 1 device(s) configured
    Info (209011): Successfully performed operation(s)
    Info (209061): Ended Programmer operation at Tue Apr 02 10:06:52 2019
    Info: Quartus Prime Programmer was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
        Info: Peak virtual memory: 1489 megabytes
        Info: Processing ended: Tue Apr 02 10:06:52 2019
        Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:34
        Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:27
    $ nios2-download -g vmlinux && nios2-terminal
    Using cable "USB-BlasterII [USB-1]", device 1, instance 0x00
    Pausing target processor: OK
    Initializing CPU cache (if present)
    Downloaded 8243KB in 10.9s (756.2KB/s)
    Verified OK
    Starting processor at address 0xC0000000
    nios2-terminal: connected to hardware target using JTAG UART on cable
    nios2-terminal: "USB-BlasterII [USB-1]", device 1, instance 0
    nios2-terminal: (Use the IDE stop button or Ctrl-C to terminate)
    Linux version 4.9.0-g1d0d40c (altima@u11399-ubuntu14) (gcc versioclocksource: Sw
    itched to clocksource nios2-clksrc
    NET: Registered protocol family 2
    TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
    TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
    UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    NET: Registered protocol family 1
    RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
    RPC: Registered udp transport module.
    RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
    RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
    random: fast init done
    futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
    workingset: timestamp_bits=30 max_order=16 bucket_order=0
    jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) ツゥ 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
    Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252)
    io scheduler noop registered
    io scheduler deadline registered
    io scheduler cfq registered (default)
    101814f0.serial: ttyJ0 at MMIO 0x101814f0 (irq = 2, base_baud = 0) is a Altera J
    console [ttyJ0] enabled
    console [ttyJ0] enabled
    bootconsole [early0] disabled
    bootconsole [early0] disabled
    loop: module loaded
    spi_altera 10181400.spi: base f0181400, irq 8
    libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
    libphy: altera_tse: probed
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet (unnamed net_device) (uninitialized): MDIO bus alte
    ra_tse-0: created
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet: Altera TSE MAC version 18.1 at 0x10181000 irq 1/3
    mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    ad9371 spi32766.1: ad9371_probe : enter
    altera-a10-fpll 10045000.altera-a10-fpll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1400 us)
    altera-a10-fpll 10035000.altera-a10-fpll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1400 us)
    altera-a10-fpll 10025000.altera-a10-fpll: FPLL PLL calibration OK (1400 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: ATX PLL calibration OK (20 ms)
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: Lane 0 TX termination and VOD calibra
    tion OK (500 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: Lane 1 TX termination and VOD calibra
    tion OK (500 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: Lane 2 TX termination and VOD calibra
    tion OK (500 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: Lane 3 TX termination and VOD calibra
    tion OK (500 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: Altera ADXCVR (17.01.a) probed
    altera_adxcvr 10034000.axi-ad9371-rx-xcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibr
    ation OK (400 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10034000.axi-ad9371-rx-xcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset calibr
    ation OK (500 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10034000.axi-ad9371-rx-xcvr: Altera ADXCVR (17.01.a) probed
    altera_adxcvr 10044000.axi-ad9371-rx-os-xcvr: Lane 0 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset cal
    ibration OK (400 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10044000.axi-ad9371-rx-os-xcvr: Lane 1 CDR/CMU PLL & RX offset cal
    ibration OK (600 us)
    altera_adxcvr 10044000.axi-ad9371-rx-os-xcvr: Altera ADXCVR (17.01.a) probed
    NET: Registered protocol family 17
    altera_adxcvr 10024000.axi-ad9371-tx-xcvr: Setting link rate to 122880000 (lane
    rate: 4915200)
    altera_adxcvr 10034000.axi-ad9371-rx-xcvr: Setting link rate to 122880000 (lane
    rate: 4915200)
    altera_adxcvr 10044000.axi-ad9371-rx-os-xcvr: Setting link rate to 122880000 (la
    ne rate: 4915200)
    ad9371 spi32766.1: ad9371_probe : enter
    ad9371 spi32766.1: ad9371_probe : enter
    random: crng init done
    ad9371 spi32766.1: framerStatus (0x20)
    ad9371 spi32766.1: ad9371_probe : AD9375 Rev 4, Firmware 5.2.2 API version: 1.5.
    2.3566 successfully initialized
    cf_axi_dds 10054000.axi-ad9371-tx-hpc: Analog Devices CF_AXI_DDS_DDS MASTER (9.0
    1.b) at 0x10054000 mapped to 0xf0054000, probed DDS AD9371
    cf_axi_adc 10050000.axi-ad9371-rx-hpc: ADI AIM (10.01.b) at 0x10050000 mapped to
     0xf0050000, probed ADC AD9371 as MASTER
    Freeing unused kernel memory: 3156K (c036f000 - c0684000)
    This architecture does not have kernel memory protection.
    axi-jesd204-rx 10040000.axi-jesd204-rx: Lane 0 desynced (17 errors), restarting
    axi-jesd204-rx 10040000.axi-jesd204-rx: Lane 1 desynced (22 errors), restarting
    Starting logging: OK
    Initializing random number generator... done.
    Starting network: OK
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet eth0: device MAC address b2:94:3d:6e:11:8f
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet eth0: TSE revision 1201
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off
    Network cable is plugged
    udhcpc: started, v1.25.0
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: no lease, failing
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down
    udhcpc: started, v1.25.0
    udhcpc: sending discover
    altera_tse 10181000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Half - flow control off
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: no lease, failing
    Starting dropbear sshd: OK
    Starting IIO Server Daemon
    Welcome to Buildroot
    buildroot login: root
    # ifconfig
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr B2:94:3D:6E:11:8F
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:21 errors:0 dropped:21 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:4941 (4.8 KiB)  TX bytes:5130 (5.0 KiB)
    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Mask:
              UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
              RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1
              RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

    The driver correctly recognized the AD9375 and Linux was launched.

    However, there was a problem in creating a Linux image (~/nios2/linux/vmlinux).

    The default configuration only wakes up the kernel panic during boot.

    I had to invoke "make menuconfig" and change the path "General setup"-> "Initramfs source file (s)."

    "arch/niso2/boot/rootfs.cpio.gz" -> "arch/niso2/boot/rootfs.cpio.gz/rootfs_nios2.cpio.gz" 

    Then I tried to connect with IIO Oscilloscope, but I could not connect to the network.

    • Connect with PC and P2P
    • Connect to in-house LEN and get address from HDCP server

    I tried two methods, but if I confirm it with ifconfig, it seems that I can not get the address.

    Is it possible to connect to the IIO Oscilloscope with this design?

    If I can connect, what action do I need to do to connect?

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi Taka,

    The initial commit missed to set mykDevice.tx->txProfile->enableDpdDataPath when AD9375 was detected. Please try again:


  • Hi. Dragos

    Thank you for your great support !

    When I run the downloaded source, it worked without errors.

    So I have two questions.

    The difference from before is executing mykDevice.tx-> txProfile-> enableDpdDataPath = 1 before calling MYKONOS_initialize ().

    (1) In the AD9375, MYKONOS_initialize () will be called twice. Is there a problem? Is there a problem with processing that calls together only once?
    (2) Is there no problem with setting "1" to enableDpdDataPath as a structure setting? 

    Thanks and Regards,
  • MYKONOS_getProductId() can't be run before initializing the chip through MYKONOS_initialize(), so to differentiate between AD9371 and AD9375, the two functions should be called. If AD9375 was detected, enableDpdDataPath member must be enabled, so in order to update this setting, MYKONOS_initialize() will be called again. This is valid for the profiles posted on the GitHub - if someone generates a dedicated AD9375 profile (where enableDpdDataPath is set by default), MYKONOS_initialize() can be called only once.


  • Hi. Dragos

    Thank you very much for your kindness support.

    I was able to understand.

    Thanks and Regards,