i'm having an calibration timeout error of (0x244, 0x80) with AD9361.
i'm using the Tiva TM4CNCPDT1294 controller to generate the communication with the AD9361.
the configuration file that is being used is for 947.5 MHz.
Please Help.
Recommended for New Designs
The AD9361 is a high performance, highly integrated radio
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4G base station applications....
AD9361 on Analog.com
i'm having an calibration timeout error of (0x244, 0x80) with AD9361.
i'm using the Tiva TM4CNCPDT1294 controller to generate the communication with the AD9361.
the configuration file that is being used is for 947.5 MHz.
Please Help.
Which software driver you are using, Linux or No-OS?
What is the reference clock that you are using.?
Hope you are updating the SW accordingly AD9361_InitParam->reference_clk_rate .
What is the reference clock that you are using.?
Hope you are updating the SW accordingly AD9361_InitParam->reference_clk_rate .
30720000UL, //reference_clk_rate
this is the clock rate that i'm using
Moving this post to NO-OS forum for more comments on SW .