In the ADIS16407, three different registers offer input/output configuration options. Can you share the priority associated with each register?
In all ADIS1613x (except ADIS16130), ADIS162xx, ADIS163xx (except ADIS16375) and ADIS164xx (except ADIS1648x) products, the MSC_CTRL, ALM_CTRL and GPIO_CTRL registers all provide configuraiton contrl for the I/O lines (DIOx). In some cases, the SMPL_PRD register also provides opportunity to enable an external clock function. The MSC_CTRL register typically offers configuration control for the data-ready function. The ALM_CTRL typically offers configuration parameters for the alarm indicator function. The GPIO_CTRL register typically offers general-purpose input/output configuration parameters, along with data management functions. While we suggest avoiding conflicts whenever possible, the following list communicates the priorirty given to each register, when determining the function of a particular I/O line:
In cases where the product supports an external clock by setting SMPL_PRD = 0x0000, also set the appropriate GPIO_CRTL bit as an "input." In most cases, this would be GPIO_CTRL[3] (DIO4).