What is the difference between the EVAL-ADIS and ADISUSB evaluation systems?
While the ADISUSB is still available, the EVAL-ADIS is recommended for all new design and evaluation activity.
Windows OS/Driver Support | 32-bit & 64-bit | 32-bit only |
Synchronous Data Capture | YES | NO |
Support maximum data acquisition rates | YES | NO |
New product support | YES | NO |
Existing software maintenance for addressing anomalies | YES | YES |
Please note that EVAL-ADIS provides no backwards compatibility support for the ADISUSB.
EVAL-ADIS Product Support
For a complete list of products that the EVAL-ADIS presently supports, please see the FEATURES section of the EVAL-ADIS home page: www.analog.com/EVAL-ADIS.
IMU Evaluation Program:
For a current list of products that the IMU Evaluation Software supports, please visit the IMU Evaluation Program Wiki Guide:
For a current list of past and future IMU Evaluation software revisions, please visit this link:
Vibration Evaluation Program:
For a current list of products that the Vibration Evaluation Program supports, please visit the Vibration Evaluation Program Wiki Guide:
For a current list of past and future Vibration Evaluation Program revisions, please visit this link:
I hope that helps!
Best regards,