Are there any updates for streaming data into the Matlab workspace?
UPDATE (3/21/13); We have posted an updated code set for this function. Please go to the following site for more details and to download the code examples:
Yes, we have have successfully collected a data record of 10,000,000 samples (13 registers from the ADIS16488). When collecting data from one register, we have been able to collect 100,000,000 samples. As we push beyond this, software breaks down, likely due to memory constraints. Please see the attached zip file, which contains the m-script files, which have comments embedded in them, along with the updated VB.net DLL for the EVAL-ADIS. Here are some other important points for making this work:
- These files only work on 32-bit versions of Matlab at this time.
- These files require the use of the most recent USB Drivers at the following site:
https://www.analog.com/en/evaluation/EVAL-ADIS/eb.html#SOFTWARE_AND_TOOLS - This will change the data-ready function in the products to DIO2