Where can I get replacement for a damaged flexcable for ADIS16305 Evaluation
The manufacturer of this flexible cable (Samtec) are no longer building this
cable. When the ADIS16300 and ADIS16305 were first introduced in the market,
Samtec was selected as the vendor we would reference in our documentaiotn.
Samtec has decided to stop producing flexible cables/circuits and is now
focusing on their connector business. In closing our their support of these
cables, Samtec has provided their design/assembly drawing (*.pdf), the gerber
files (*.zip), a 3-D design model (*.STEP ) and referrals for two flex-cable
providers (see *.pdf). Please see the following Engineer Zone discussion for
more details and for the flexcable design files and suggested alternative
See Engineer Zone discussion: https://ez.analog.com/message/44659#44659