I would like to access old acceleration data from 5 seconds prior to an event
occurring. Is this possible with the ADXL362?
The ADXL362 is capable of storing 13 seconds of acceleration prior to an event.
The FIFO can be used in a triggered mode to record all data leading up to an
activity detection event, thereby providing context for the event. In the case
of a system that identifies impact events, for example, the accelerometer can
keep the entire system off while it stores acceleration data in its FIFO and
looks for an activity event. When the impact event occurs, data that was
collected prior to the event is frozen in the FIFO. The accelerometer can then
wake the rest of the system and transfer this data to the host processor,
thereby providing context for the impact event.
Generally, the more context available, the more intelligent decisions a system
can achieve, making a deep FIFO especially useful. The ADXL362 FIFO can store
up to more than 13 seconds of data, providing a clear picture of events prior
to an activity trigger.