Can I drive an ADIS16485 with an external clock when using the EVAL-ADIS?
Yes, you can! The first step in this process is to determine which DIOx line to use, along with the preferred polarity. This will determine what value to write to FNCTIO_CTRL[7:4]. For example, set FNCTIO_CTRL = 0x00FD to establish DIO4 as the input clock pin, with a positive polarity. Note: once this is done, output data updates will only happen when the input clock pulses. Please see the following reference for more information on this register (more instructions below): ADIS16485's datasheet (Rev E, page 28)
In the IMU Evaluation Software package, click on the Register Access menu to access this register:
In the Register Access window, click on the FNCTIO_CTRL register, enter "FD" in the white box and click on the Write button.
Once that is done, connect the positive lead of the clock signal to the "DIO4" connection point on the EVAL-ADIS and connect the return (ground) signal to the ground pin on J3 (see below):
The clock signal on this pin will now drive data collection as long as the clock signal meets the ADIS16485's requirements for voltage levels and timing, as outlined in Table 2 and Figure 4 of the ADIS16485 datasheet (pages 6 & 7, for revision E).
I hope that helps and look forward to your comments!