Will the EVAL-ADIS and IMU Evaluation Software enable capture of the first data sample that the ADIS16485 produces after it powers on?
Yes, with the use of an external supply and some quick button pushes, these evaluation tools will support this. Here are the steps, with supporting pictures:
- Get the IMU Evaluation software running and verify that the ADIS16485 is working with the USB-based, +3.3V supply.
- Go into the Data Capture Menu
- In the Data Capture window, select the registers for data acquisition, the total number of samples to collect in the record and the file name/path, but DO NOT click on Start yet.
- Change the JP1 jumper setting on the EVAL-ADIS to "Ext," as shown in the following picture:
- Connect an external supply to J3, as shown in the following picture. NOTE: These power inputs have no transient or reverse-polarity protection. The ADIS1648x products place transient current demands on VDD during start-up. Reference product datasheet for more details on the transient demands. Make sure that the supply, at J3, does not experience excessive overshoot (VDD < 3.6V peak) and is correctly oriented.
- In the Data Capture window, click on Start, then turn the +3.3V supply on. Between the time that you click on Start and the first data sample must be less than 5 seconds.
I hope that this helps and look forward to your comments!