For those who can support the modification to the ADIS1644X/FLEX, as showing the following link, here are four steps to use when connecting your ADIS16460AMLZ to your EVAL-ADIS.
Step #1: Set the ADIS16460AMLZ onto the 14-pin version of J1. Make sure that the pins are lined up, before pressing the ADIS16460 into J1.
Step #2: Press the ADIS16460AMLZ into J1
Step #3: Line J2 (ADIS1644X/FLEX) up with pins 1-20 on J4 (EVAL-ADIS)
Step #4: Press on top of the flex to mate J2 (ADIS1644X/FLEX) to J4 (EVAL-ADIS)
NOTE: This only handles the electrical connection.