Hi everybody,
I am just working on the implementation of a ADIS16265 Gyro into my roboter application and a have problems
with the readings of the Evaluation board.
The Board is sending sometimes stupid values.
i.e: I am asking for the voltage of the board and get values between 1.9 ... 4.9 Voltage back.
Sometime, the board is sending for a long time the correct value, which is around 4.95 Voltage,
Which I check with a oscilloscope. The ripple is around 5mV, which should be o.k. as well.
The diagnosis status is saying as well, that it is low power on the chip (sometimes).
It is a LGA mounted chip and I can only check the voltage up the connector of the board, which is fine.
Not on the controller directly.
Does somebody has bad experience with this chip as well ?
Or can this behaviour happen by a software failure. Communication to a other SPI Client is running well.
Is the a test program existing for a atmega - controller, where I can check, if it is a software or Hardware failure.
Best regards