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ADIS16135 SPI Interface Configuration

How do I configure the ADUC7026 to communicate with the SPI on the ADIS16135?

  • Embedded processors typically support SPI communications with multi-purpose SPI ports that have some configurable parameters.  These parameters could include serial protocol (SPI, I2C, etc), data length, clock polarity, clock phase, bit order, serial clock rate, etc.  While it is important to check the sensor's datasheet for product-specifc settings, Table 7 in the ADIS16135 Datasheet (page 8) offers a summary of typical configuration parametes to look for, which are typically found in serial port control registers.  Table 7's contents are provide here, for convenience.

    Processor Setting



    The ADIS16135 operates as a slave.

    SCLK Rate ≤ 2 MHz

    Maximum serial clock rate.

    SPI Mode 3

    CPOL = 1 (polarity), CPHA = 1 (phase).

    MSB-First Mode

    Bit sequence.

    16-Bit Mode

    Shift register/data length.

  • Embedded processors typically support SPI communications with multi-purpose SPI ports that have some configurable parameters.  These parameters could include serial protocol (SPI, I2C, etc), data length, clock polarity, clock phase, bit order, serial clock rate, etc.  While it is important to check the sensor's datasheet for product-specifc settings, Table 7 in the ADIS16135 Datasheet (page 8) offers a summary of typical configuration parametes to look for, which are typically found in serial port control registers.  Table 7's contents are provide here, for convenience.

    Processor Setting



    The ADIS16135 operates as a slave.

    SCLK Rate ≤ 2 MHz

    Maximum serial clock rate.

    SPI Mode 3

    CPOL = 1 (polarity), CPHA = 1 (phase).

    MSB-First Mode

    Bit sequence.

    16-Bit Mode

    Shift register/data length.

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